
Dione POV

"I, I don't understand why I saw that, it makes no sense I have no memory of that happening "

"I will kill him for you, Master, I will do anything for you". Pumpkin said with conviction.

"There's, there's no point, the Nile from my dream is dead, he was murdered, 2 weeks after my Dad woke up from his God's slumber, no one knew who killed him"

"But, don't you still have an Uncle Nile, wasn't he the main antagonist for your banishment"

"Nile, it's like a title, think of it as the title of King and Queen, something inherited. His death triggered God's war"

"God's war?"

"His children, battled to death for the title of Nile, only one could remain. It was a blood bath. The last survivor of his children was the strongest his first born, Nicholas, he is the current Nile"

"Then why do you refer to him as Uncle, isn't he your cousin"

"As a sign of respect I guess, Nile is vile but not completely bad, I guess compared to his predecessor he shines. He only has 25 children compared to his father who had 350". Pumpkin was laying on me, I didn't even notice. "I'm fine now Pumpkin, it was just shock".

"Are you sure"

"Yes, I think I was shown the dream for a reason, maybe I know who killed the previous Nile and whoever did could effect the future. I have to find out why, he was killed and who did it". Looking at Pumpkin. "I'm sorry, for sharing my blood with Castor".

"I shouldn't have spoken to you like that"

"I don't understand how a vampire is King of the Northern kingdom, it's something nature would have never allowed, maybe my banishment and dream is linked, whoever killed Nile could be responsible for placing a vampire on the throne"

"What about his first born son"

"No, it wouldn't make sense, he loved his younger baby sister, he would want to kill his father which would result in him having to kill her"

"Then, what about you"

"I, I, maybe, the thought crossed my mind, but I was 6, my strength and powers hadn't manifested then"

"But you can't use your powers"

"I can it's just extremely difficult to control, they are opposites and i struggle to separate the two, creation and destruction is difficult to control, they are extremely powerful. It's one of the reasons I'm my father's only child. The others died early, or were stillborn, manic, all of the children's mothers died"

"How did your mother survive?"

"She's not my biological mother, she merely carried me in a sense, Zeus created me and placed in my mother's womb, I look like my father but have some facial characteristics of my mother, that's what my Aunt tells me"

"So, you don't have a biological mother?"

"Yes I guess you could say that. She was more like a surrogate mother, I don't remember much about her"

"How comes you fell asleep, I thought Gods only slept every 60 years for 6 months"

"I think it was because of Castors venom, I felt high almost, I even saw something in the mirror, it was weird"

"So, about Castor, what are you gonna do about his father?"

"I don't know but, we-, lets just get out of the Northern Kingdom, staying here isn't safe, Castor can track us now that he's tasted my blood"

"Not your finest moment, but lucky he can't travel in the sun so that will put us at an advantage, you've been asleep for 4 hours"

"About not being about to travel in the sun, ummmmm, drinking God's blood allows you to travel in the sun, until the blood clears your system"

"So, we're fucked, at least we can run fast"

"Yeahhhhh about that, God's blood boosts their abilities". 'Just smile, at her, maybe she won't get angry'.

"I can't with you, well we will leaving this safe house in 1 hour pack your bags"

"We really need a maid to take care of theses things"

"Well, when we find a woman mentally unstable enough to deal with us, we will hire her, until then pack your bags"

"Pumpkin, I'm hungry"

"You're always hungry, when we leave I'll go hunting"

Pumpkin left the room, I sat up on the bed and looked in the mirror. 'I guess it's just my imagination'.


The sound shocked me, the hand was against the mirror. 'He's back'. "Who are you, what do you want"

"Sister, don't you remember me, I need you to remember, I will help you remember"

"It was you, you, you made me see that, you made me remember"

"I had to, you need to open your eyes, I need to protect you, you're the reason for my existence"

"MASTER, HURRY UP". Turning back to see if Pumpkin was coming up stairs, I looked back at the mirror.' He's gone'. I started walking downstairs, to Pumpkin tapping her foot. "Lets go"

3 hours of walking later

"Pumpkin, Pumpkin, Pumpkin"

"What, what"

"Slow down, I can't keep up, lets take a break I need to eat"

"Lets set up camp here then"

"Finally, I can rest, I hate the draw backs of being on Earth"

"I'm gonna hunt down some meat for you, see if you can find some edible plants around"

Pumpkin sprints into the distance. 'Being on Earth I realised that I have to eat to stay awake, and by eat I eat a lot of food. It means that I stand out more, I'm unable to hide my eyes and hair colour, although I could invest in a wig'. Wondering around the jungle I found a tree. 'Maybe there's some mushrooms, I fell so weak'. Approaching the huge tree, I saw mushrooms surrounding the tree. We finally made it to the Western kingdom.

"I guess this Wolves territory". Being alone, I finally had time to digest what had happen. My knees gave in from the pressure boiling in my mind. The tears slipped out. The smell of fresh water called to me. Opening my bag I take out my clothes. They remind me of the painful blissful home I once had. Signing to myself I take the cropped cotton top out with the turban style bottoms. Walking towards the minty freshness I take my clothes off. Hoping the water will wash away the salty violation paint on my skin. The water washing away the excess but there's still a stain.

"You shouldn't bathe alone out here, what if I was a robber"