Old And New

"Castor? how did you find me"

"I followed your scent, listen I didn't know what my father had planned". Walking closer to the river he paused reaching out his hand for me to grab.

"I get it, but you should head back to your kingdom, you are the crown prince". I touched his finger tips and felt the cold goose bumps stabbing my skin. "DON'T TOUCH ME, please, I, I just need some space, could you turn around so I can get dressed". He looked startled.

"I'm sorry, I'll look away, let me know when you're finished, is that Pumpkin kid still here"

Climbing out the river, I put the clothes on that I set to one side, 'maybe I should wrap my hair, or put a hood on'.

Couple minutes later

"Well, how do I look, do I look human"

Castor turns around and analyses me. "Well apart from your eyes, yes, but your clothes are, well they are quite exposing"

"I always, dress like this in Olympus, I know its not appropriate, but running and fighting, this design is appropriate"

"Well, can't you ask a witch for help, can't they make a potion"

"Yes, I could, I might as well show them my neck to them to slash"


"They are so hard to find, they are always hiding". Our conversation was interrupted by the solitary howls.

"Shit, a wolf"

"You should get out of here, before it picks up on your scent". The werewolves have always hated the vampires, whilst vampires hunt Gods and Demigods, the wolves hunt them. Werewolves are beasts, and extremely strong even Zeus would struggle against an alpha. 'I only heard one howl'. One howl meant a few things, rather its separated from its pack, hunts alone or even more frightening its a rogue. Rogues are more in touched with their beasts, it usually means that they not tamed, by an alpha.

"I'm not leaving you, if its a rogue you aren't safe either, they attack and eat anything"


Approaching from the empty darkness of the jungle, a dark velvet red wolf appeared. His familiar golden brown eyes embraced me. Castor grabbed me, and lifted me up into a bridal pose. The wolf grew angry and started to growl aggressively. I felt uncomfortable, I didn't like his touch, I wanted to put down. "Please, Castor put me down, I, I don't like it". Looking into my eyes he slowly put me down. The wolf stopped growling and walked slowly towards me. "Step back, Castor". I took a couple steps closer to the wolf not breaking eye contact. I heard Pumpkin screaming in the distance. "Go, to her please, I'm fine here, as long as I don't break eye contact". Castor nods and runs away to find Pumpkin. "Looks, like it's just me and you", I slowly got closer, there was just 4 feet between us. He pounced on me. "Oh shit, shit shit, nice wolf, nice wolf". I closed my eyes.

"Dione, is that you". Opening my eyes I saw him. His golden eyes embracing me in its homey warmth, his dark red hair. He length was 6ft 10, 'He's big'. "I'm sorry, in that state I tend to go animalistic, here let me help you up". Picking me up like I was nothing. "Wow, you haven't grown at all".

"Hey I did grow you just, grew really really, ummmm, your clothes, your naked, big, wow, um"

"I'm sorry, give me a sec"

"Yeah, I'll just turn around"

"Yeah". 'Its so awkward'. His body is so chiselled and full of scars. Its been a long time since I saw him, my first crush great, what else could happen. 'New crush, old crush, and deep rooted childhood trauma that resurfaced what could go wrong'.

"At last, I'm alone again, am I talking to myself, wow"

"So, Dione, how are you, its been a while"

"Yeah, it has when did you come to Earth"

"About 50 years ago"

"Wo- what, why?"

"Because, you weren't Olympus, I wanted to find you"

"So, you came to Earth for me, we broke up before my banishment"

"Yes, but when you got banished, I- I regretted what happened"

"REGRETTED, you, you cheated"

"I never did, why don't you believe me, I swear on my life, Aphrodite was lying, please believe me"

"Fine you didn't cheat, but it doesn't change the fact that were not together now. You should have stayed on Olympus"



"PUSH ME AWAY, ever since that night you, you distanced yourself"

"I, I, I don't have time for this, I need to find Pumpkin"

"There's no pumpkins in this forest"

"No, not, its the name of my familiar, she looks like a pumpkin"

"Damn, that rough, was she cursed like medusa"

"No, she's really cute, she's ginger with brown eyes and brown freckles, its adorable"

"What? And the name Ellen was taken?" He laughed. "I missed you, quirks and all"

"Shut up" I chuckled. I missed the feelings he gave me, the fluttering in my stomach, the warmth in my cheeks and the fresh breath in my lungs. He started walking towards me in his loose top and black trouser. He cupped my face in his hand, I held his hand and he lent down towards me. 'He's gonna kiss me'.

"You smell like vampire still"

"Wow, it that what you're gonna say in a situation like thi-" my sentence was irrupted by his lips kissing mine. For the first time, my skin didn't crawl, it didn't rejected the touch of a man, my skin didn't go cold. My skin felt like it was lit on fire, the sparks were still there, even though it had been 50 years, it felt like we fell in love yesterday.

"Why is it every time I leave you, you're kissing a man"

Pulling away "Pumpkin, I presume"

"What gave it away" Pumpkin replied sarcastically

"Oh, the vampire is with you"

"So who is this, Master"

"This is Kol, he was my ex boyfriend"

"This is the guy you said you lost your virg-"


"Well, I never knew I had competition, that's why you don't want me to touch you"

"Who said you were competition"

"You were her first, I plan to be the last"

Pumpkin walks over to me

"Are they fighting over me" I whisper to Pumpkin
