Old Times

"Guys, please lets stop the arguing and just set up camp, I'm ready to eat" I said with my arms folded.

"Do we have to have these animals eat with us" Pumpkin said rolling her eyes.

A couple minutes went by, we started setting up camp. Pumpkin lit an uncomfortable but cosy fire using her pyrokinesis. Preparing the meat that she had capture, I sat there watching the food cook away. Kol sat next to with Castor on the other side with Pumpkin opposite. The air was thick as well as the tension.

"How do you guys know each other" Pumpkin asked we her head tilted to the side.

"Dione is- was my girlfriend, I was cursed to live by moon by the witches when I got here"

"So, you're not a God now?" I questioned

"Well, its complicated" he replied immediately

"How did you guys meet" Pumpkin asked


75 year ago

"Father, how comes I'm so short compared to every other God, most Gods my age is 6ft by now, I'm still stuck at 5ft 8. Its embarrassing. You're so tall, my neck hurts every time I look at you" I exclaimed

"Well, my little Ruby, its just how things are, I wouldn't change you for anything, why don't you go to gardens and watch the other Gods train" He smiled.

"To learn how to fight?"

"Now you know the rules, when you turn 300 years old, you still have a lot to learn in school"

"Why, no other God has to wait that long most start learning at 18, Dad I'm 181 this year"

"Ruby, your power haven't manifested, I can't let you train, it's dangerous. I mean not all Gods learn to fight. I mean look at Aphrodite"

"Yeah who doesn't?"

"My point is that she doesn't need to fight"

"I mean, I would find it hard to fight if my legs were always open that wide"

"Dione, why don't you like her"

"Oh would you look at the time. Bye Dad."


"I love you Dad"

"I love you too, my Ruby"

I ran to the gardens. And there you were, topless, back when your hair was short. I remember it, like it was yesterday. I was in awe with how you fought, the way you trained. You saw me in the distance but it felt like you were so close to me. Those golden eyes shimmering, so beautiful. Jogging towards me, you spoke.

"Hey, I see you come to the gardens a lot, well how do I say this, um you're kind distracting the other guys, and it would be best if you could leave. I mean beating these guys is too easy as it is"

"Is that your way of saying my pretty"

("Okay where's the bucket I wanna hurl". Pumpkin said )

("Shhh I'm telling a story")

"Maybe, my name is Kol. And yours is?"

"It's Dione"

"After, I finish training, do you maybe want to get a drink"

"Hmmmm, a drink? I don't know I'm very busy"

"Busy? busy doing what"

"I- I well, I, I have a- a plan"

"Oh a plan, plan to do what. Sneak into the garden a train"

"How did you know"

"Well how about, after a drink I show you some moves"

"I, sure" I said flustered

Later that evening. I searched my room for something to wear.

"No, no, ugly, too short"

"Too short, I don't believe in such things" Kol said sneaking through my bedroom window perched on the window seal.

" My dad will kill you lets get out of here"

The coo air breeze relaxed me, Kol looked so sure of himself, so proud.

"Okay, attack me I want to see you technique, and don't hold back". I ran towards him throwing my fist with full strength, Grabbed my wrist and pulled me in to him, turning me around. His groin was digging into my back. "You can't always rely on your strength. What will do if your opponent know how to fight like me. Do I look like a human to you?".

"A little bit" I said chuckling

"Says the short person"

"Hey, listen, I would be considered tall for a woman on Earth"

"Really now, I'm already 6ft 5, I'm only gonna get taller"

"Well next time we meet, I will be taller than you". I said with conviction, trying to get out of his hold.

"So there will be a next time". He said why spinning me around and looking in to my eyes. 'Damn those honey golden eyes'. He started grinning.

"What are you doing, oh my, so high" He lifted me up looking at me in the eyes.

"There, now we are at eye level". His head moved in closer, closing in on my lips. Before I knew it his lips were on mine. I pulled back.

"I've never kissed anyone before, so I may be- I'm". stumbling over my words.

"Shhhhh, you're too cute" he began kissing me again, it felt like time stood still, I felt lost in his embrace. His overwhelming muscles, they were huge, the word godly was made to describe his body. I felt my hands wandering, exploring discovering his body, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Who the fuck are you, and what are you doing in my house with my daughter". Kol put my down and kneeled before my father.

"Dad, please relax, I'm 181 not 16" I tried pulling Kol up from the floor.

"Relax, oh relax, you sure look like you were relaxing, please fix your top, oh heavens give me strength". My cheeks go bright red, without even realised my tops strap had slipped down 'sly devil'.

"I apologise your Holiness, please pick a punishment suited for me"

"Dad, do I turn my nose up at every whore you lay with on Earth" I asked with my arms folded.

"Yes, yes you have, multiple times" He said frowning.

"Well, it hard to not to when they have to compete with my mother's beauty"

Present day

"Yh long story short her father chased me out the house with lightening" Kol concluded.

"Wow such as romantic story" Castor said sarcastically.

"You sound bitter" Kol replied

"Please can you guys not argue with me in the middle. Pumpkin move over I'm sitting next to you"

"Okay I need a pillow to sleep on anyway" Pumpkin said smiling. "So you can keep the bad dreams away"