The Plan

Pumpkin fell asleep silently in my arms. 'Sometimes she makes me feel like a mother'. Ever since she was younger, she would have nightmares, she would scream in her sleep, since then I would hold her in my arms, she never had nightmares when I did that. I told her that if she slept in my arms I would keep the bad memories away.

"I need to ask you two for a favour. I need to know who ordered the Northern knights to the Acle town in the North east of the Kingdom, 50 years ago". I said seriously, staring at them across from the camp fire. "Then in need to infiltrate the residence, if I can found out sent the order, I can find out which God influenced them, and hopefully plead my case for my banishment to be lifted".

"I think back then it was Duke Frederick Lincoln, who was in charge of the Northern knights, which mean the order can from one of his generals-" Castor said before Kol interrupted him.

"Or the order came from him or one of his sons, also I'm pretty sure that Duke Frederick passed away 5 years ago". Kol said to my disappointment.

"Shit, the one person I needed to be alive" I responded annoyed.

"Well, his three sons are still alive, some of his old generals are retired but are still on Lincoln land" Castor said to please me.

"What are their names" I asked

"Hudson is 68, Franklin 66 years old and Angelo who's 60" Castor said.

"Hmmmmmm, do their have children?" I asked

"Yes" Castor said immediately.

"Shit, this is gonna be more complicated then I thought" I said whilst looking down at Pumpkin. "I'm gonna regret this decision, but there is someone I can ask for help to disguise my appearance. I hate this woman with a passion, but I can give her the one thing she wants." I said sighing.

"Who?" they asked at the same time. "Wait don't tell me." Kol said.

"Yes, the God of opening her legs, Aphrodite" While my eyes rolled.

"What does she want from you?" Castor asked.

"For me to say that she is the most beautiful being and that Morana, Keres and I are nothing compared to her beauty" I said disgusted with my statement.

"So, what we you request?" Castor asked.

"I will request that she makes my eyes and my hair the same as my mother. She can give me spell that I can use, but only she knows it. I can require it, if I stroke the bitch's ego".

"So, she will share a spell that only she knows, if you say she more beautiful than you" Castor said a confused look on his face.

"Yes, she self-absorbed. But sadly she is very talented at creating spells" I said.

"How will you, infiltrate the Lincoln, residence?" Castor questioned.

"Well, Castor, you will introduce me as a your Fiancée, in need of etiquette training. And Kol you will be my bodyguard, for the time being I need you to look after Pumpkin for me during the day, making sure that she takes her daily dose of my blood"

"Why would I do that. What would I gain from helping you?" He asked with a proud look on his face. Kol turned to him looking with disgust.

"Well, do you like walking in the sun. I give you 5 litres of my blood every month. It stop your people suspecting that you're a vampire."

"Hmmmm, that's a tempting offer. Okay I'll do it but, we have to act like an engage couple" He said looking at me with sad eyes. I guess he's noticed my avoiding his touch.

"I still need time to digest what happen last night. But yes, I accept your terms"

"What happened last night?" Kol said with an annoyed tone and look. Castor turned his body towards him and tapped his nose, meaning none of your business. The morning sun rose after Castor, Kol and I spent the whole night thinking up a plan. We agreed upon me going shopping with Castor to buy outfit that match the times. We agreed that Pumpkin will be kept with Castor as my younger cousin who I adopted once her parents died. I know that if I brought Pumpkin with me she would kill anyone who disrespected me, I'm also worried how she would react to comments about her hair.

"How long did I sleep for, wait do none of you sleep" Pumpkins said raising her head up whilst rubbing her eyes.

"Sleep is such a human thing, but no we don't require sleep unless we are severely injured, or we don't eat enough, in this blood suckers case he needs to drink a certain amount of blood otherwise he will lose sanity, attack anything, in the worse case scenario they die" Kol said.

"Well in my case I only sleep if I'm really hurt, or every 60 years for 6 months. However, if I'm having visions I fall into a dream like state" Whilst combing Pumpkin's hair. "Now, that you're awake I need to inform you on the plan that we discussed while you were asleep".

"So where do we find Aphrodite?" Pumpkin asked.

"Actually were quiet close to her favourite river, she goes there quiet a lot" Kol said pointing towards trail.

"You, sure do know a lot about her don't you" I replied slightly annoyed with Kol's knowledge about her. 'Why do I care, we aren't together anymore'. I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the trail.

"Her, scent is getting stronger" Kol said will sniffing in the air.

"Wow so you know what she smells like. How did you even pick up on her scent." storming off towards the river. 'I bet he was seeing her, when he came to earth. How else did she know what she smelled like'.

"D, I swear I have no interest in her. Listen I came here last time to ask her for help in finding you. she's one of the Gods who come to Earth quite frequently". Kol said to justify himself.

"Well, well, well look what the dog dragged in." Aphrodite said surrounded by naked men and women.