A Demon's First Words

"Tell me the truth" I whispered, the pain vibrating in my head was overwhelming as it is.

"The witches, they want you blood, they asked me to get it. They said the want to run some tests on it. Because they, uh, they suspect that your half demon. But I know its not true, I know your a God. So lets get out of here. Lets get away from it all. Kol won't have much longer left, before, before the curse consumes him. I don't think you need to see that."

"I-, Castor, I don't know what the truth is anymore, I- I don't know. Every since I saw Zion what I fought was reality wasn't, it wasn't what I fought it was"

"Zion? Who's Zion?

"I see him in the mirror, he says he's my brother, he has the same caramel skin, the same eyes, the same hair. He showed me what happened when I was 6." My voices started breaking.

"What did he show you D"

"My Uncle Nile used to look after me. He- he would touch me, and hit me. When my dad slept. I- I. I'm scared, that now Zion is out things will get out of control."

"D, I'm, I'm so sorry. You don't have to say anymore." He cupped my face in his hands.

"I saw a witches tower. The witch knows my mother. She say she is a demon"

"Wait, knows, is, D"

"My mother is alive. Apparently she's been looking for me. That Lena girl is a tainted hunter, she's gonna be a problem. She asked the witch to kill me. I- I think Zion will kill her. We can't leave. We have to find out what happened to Nile, who ordered the Northern troops, who is pulling the strings on this whole operation."

"Okay, I'll help you. But I thought you said that your dad created you and placed you inside your mother's womb."

"Well, that might not be the case. All of my siblings have never survived, rather they were still born, or they miscarried. Every single mother died. What- what if the reason I survived was because I'm half demon. That my mother survived child birth because she was demon. What if my father lied about how I was conceived to protect me and he sent my mother away and lied about how she was killed to keep her safe. What if, what if I'm an abomination."

"No, no your not. I've always been called one for being half a vampire and half human. You are beautiful. But let me see the real you no spell."

"fila aurea et niveos oculos forma reginae deae meae exaudit orationem. Reverti" The warm feeling overwhelmed me. I looked into his blue eyes, glowing.

"Your so beautiful" He placed his lips on my mine and slowly started sucking on my bottom lip, I could feel myself going crazy. "Dione"

"Castor, we can't. I need to find out the truth. When I do. I'll marry you" I said pulling away. I don't know what it is, what draws me to him. But if he keeps doing this, he's a distraction, a handsome, captivating, huge distraction. "There's a way, I, that I can see my memories. I usually get my precognition visions, when I'm underwater. The longer I'm there the more vivid they are. Maybe I can see my memories."

"You what, you want to drown yourself"

"Well, I need you to hold me down. Its instinct to come up for air. I can survive 9 minutes before I start to drown. When that happens hold me down for another 3 minutes. Then you need to get me out. Otherwise I'll get lost in my mind."

"So you want me to drown you. You just smashed your head open"

"It's okay its practically healed"

"D I don't know how I feel about this"

"Please just trust me, otherwise this investigation will take longer. Don't you want to get me away from the witches. I trust you." I lay under the water and close my eyes, letting the water consume all my sense. The warm coldness engulfed me, embracing me drawing me in, 'I can hear voices'.

250 years ago

I see myself again, broken, destroyed, alone, trapped, caged, robbed, laying in bed whilst Nile slept like a baby, with my underdeveloped, pubescent body. 'He makes me sick'. Deep down inside I want it to me that murdered him, slowly and painfully, like the times that he touched me, violated me, stealing my innocent soul from my grasp, even if I did it would be enough, it would never be enough. He's holding me, so close. Disgusting. He lets go and rolls over. By the looks of it, God's slumber will end, I can tell by looking into my eyes, there was no fight left, no will no energy. I never knew why my father had to sleep, it was always confusing, when I slept I would see Nature, maybe the sleep meant he reconnected with Nature. The mirror next to the bed called to me, luring me in the sirens hummed from the mirror, the glass sang a lullaby. Unlike last time I can walk freely in this world and can investigate, almost like a ghost, however that time it was like I was in Zion point of view what he sees through mirrors. My younger self got up from the bed and wander to the mirror, I was deprived of my clothes, the innocent eyes were stolen a long time ago, there was nothing to be saved. I pressed my hand against the mirror the whole of my eyes went black and I utter a something I've never heard before "imis anima, cor inanis, huc ades et exitium fac. quoquo me defendas." Then Zion appeared on the other side placing his hand on the mirror, like a mirror image. The same caramel skin, red eyes, black hair, but not the same smile. I wasn't smiling, I was empty, inside me was nothing. However his eyes gleamed with possibilities, endlessly hopefully.

"That's a spell from the dark arts, how, how did I know that spell, let alone perform it" My soul departed for a brief moment. It proves my mother is my biological mother, and that she was demon. He utter his first words.

"Hello, sister. I'm here and I will protect you" chills ran up my spine dancing.

Suddenly the doors busted open, my Father appeared. "Dione, what what did you do. Why are you naked. Where are your clothes. NILE."