Little Girls

"NILE, what is this" My father stormed in, his fists were ready my his side. Still, my hand remined on the mirror looking at Zion, still in an enchanted. Nile woke up, with fear in his eyes, he stumbled up out of the bed. His naked body feel to the floor, panicking to grab cloth to cover himself. the rage in my father's eyes widen. He looked at me with no clothes on and looked back Nile who was naked but fully clothed in my innocence, and hatred. Before I blink my father was on top of Nile. Pounding his face, the crunching of his bones was ringing in my ears, his face was disfigured and matched his soul, his outside matched his insides. I could feel my body being pulled the force was grabbing, pulling me in, trying to fight it I saw my father raise his sword.

"No just a little longer" when the words left my mouth I felt myself raise.

Present day

I raised out of the water gasping for air my body shocked out the bath. Both me and Castor was panting for air.

"I-, I, fuck, I think my Father killed Nile. This put us back at square one again. If my father killed Nile it doesn't link to how I got banished. Also, I believe I created Zion. If that's true my powers have already manifested, but I can't use my powers"

"Well, maybe one of Nile's children hated you for his death. They could have blamed you." Castor was covered in water. 'I really put up a fight'.

"That would leave Nickolas, as his only surviving child, the current Nile"

"Dione, what would happen if there was no successor to the Godly power, where would it go."

"Well, it would flow back into my father. The Gods are an extension of Zeus. The royal bloodline just made more Gods."

"D, are you okay, you're still shaking. Here" He offered me a towel welcoming me in his arms.

"You're offering me a towel, like you aren't drenched in water " I said climbing out the bath into his arms.

"Perks of being a vampire I don't get sick" he wrapped his arms around me. My head was om is chest as he swayed side to side, and the melodic beats of his heart. He was a walking lullaby, I felt my body relax, my pain lessen. He was my painkiller.

"Castor, I should go back to my room. Pumpkin is probably worried."

"Just, Just give me 5 minutes, please"

"Castor" I lifted my head up and he looked down at me. Looking into my eyes. Inviting me to stay the night, the yearning call of his eyes pulling at my heart strings. Dragging me into their embrace, soothing me, calming me. "Shit, Castor, stop looking at me like that. I don't think you know what it does to me" I said annoyed

"Why what does it do?" He said looking deeper into my eyes.

"It makes me, want to rip your clothes and lick every inch of you and makes me want to feel you inside me. But like I said I need to go back to Pumpkin. I suggest you let go now." I said staring back into his dangerously calming eyes. His grip loosened like he was giving me the choice to leave or stay. I pulled his face close to mine placing thumb on his chin gently bringing his face closer to mine. He closed his eyes ready for me to kiss him, going on the tip of my toes I kissed his check to his surprise. "Goodnight Cas. fila aurea et niveos oculos forma reginae deae meae exaudit orationem. " The warm feeling of the spell engulfed me as I pulled away from Castor. walking back to my room I could hear Pumpkin panicking.

"Master! Are you okay?" she look nervous I hadn't even opened the door yet, but she looked as if the world had come to an end.

"Pumpkin, why do you still call me Master and not mother?" I said ignoring the question because in all honesty I didn't even know the answer myself.

"Because my definition of what a mother is, is different from yours. My idea of a mother is a broken women who beats you until you can't move and the tears are dried up that nothing comes out, the pain of the beating is the one thing that reminds you that you are still alive. Your definition is a woman who cares for you, and love you regardless of whether you are her biological child or not. I don't want to call you mother until my definition changes. I don't want to disrespect you.

"Pumpkin, I- I know I can't rewind time and take you away from your mother did the things that she did to you. But I'm here now and I promise you I will do my best to look after you, to care for you, I'll do what your mother should have done. But if you don't want to call me mother how about Aunty. I don't want our relationship to mean master and servant. You know I don't see you as my servant." I said walking towards her cupping her face. "How about you go back to sleep and I'll hold, this time I won't let go. I'll call for the maid to clean up the broken glass." I lifted Pumpkin up and walked to the bed and held her. Although she claims to be 22 years old to me she's 12. Her mother never taught her to do the basics in life. She rested in my arms with her head on my chest and drifted off to sleep. Her ginger was wild and crazy, she never did her hair, she always left it out. Her tiny body so small, even though she was 9 when she became my familiar she was malnourished and had the body of a 5 year old. It times like this I regret how late I found her. If I had gotten there soon she would have died, I wouldn't have to feed her my blood to stop her from dying and going t the underworld. She would have had a lovely family, I would have found that for her she would be 22 years old with probably a fiancée about to get married. "I'm so sorry Pumpkin, I should have came sooner to you. I always wanted someone to come sooner to save me from my Uncle, and they were too late, and sadly I was too."