Sooner Than Later

Flashback 11 years ago

"Huh, so you really don't talk that much. I've never meet a human as quiet as you. Do you know how to read" I said to Pumpkin. Her eyes were always so empty, and although it had been a year since she had been with me, the most I ever heard her say was on that day. She always felt so emotional distance but physically near. I've always wanted to hug her for some reason, that maybe I understood what she was going through, this nagging feeling in my heart. The more I'm around her the more I want to see her smile. Something I've never seen, a simple task like emotions for other humans were so difficult for her. She was an empty vessel, she killed so easily, so quickly with rage, the only emotion she ever expressed. "Do you want to go on a walk"

"..." she looked at me with emotionless eyes her answer was ambiguous, or maybe she didn't care. Should I have killed her? Maybe it would have been less selfish to.

"Do do you want to die?" She froze and looked at me.

"I don't know"

"You don't know, or you don't want to make that decision, because you've never decided on something. Because all your decisions were taken away from you, by force."

"..." she looked at the floor, again not speaking.

"So, lets go on this walk. Is there anywhere you want to go"

"..." she put her shoes on and waited by the door.

"That was a trick question" I laughed nervously. 'Shit, I might as well talk to a wall'. Walking in the forest was kinda of refreshing, she's 10 now and toddlers speak more than her. Maybe I should teach her how to speak, write and read, she probably struggles to communicate. "Hey, how about I teach you how to read and write. Maybe you can even draw me a picture too" I said and chuckled at the end. For the first time when looking into her eyes it felt that there wasn't this emptiness, that it was filled with energy, that maybe we could help each other.

Present day

Pumpkin laid there in my arms, she seemed to have a smile on her while she slept. 'I wonder what she's dreaming about'. Its times like this where I wondered what it was like to be human, to dream, to die. It sounds morbid but not being able to die was lonely in a sense, but being able to be with the other Gods made it easier to be among people who felt the same. When I was banished I fell into a dark pit with no bottom. When I met Pumpkin I had someone to care for and care for me, in a selfish way when she drank my blood I was happy that I wouldn't be alone, that she relies on me to give her my blood. But parts of me regret doing that I took away her future her chance to get married, have children grow old. "Pumpkin, its time to wake up, we have to get ready for my lesson". I started to stroke her face. "Pumpkin" I said again "PUMPKIN, GET UP". She slowly started to open her eyes unfazed.

"Can you close your mouth, I know you struggle to close your legs, but please"

"Excuse you, I haven't had sex with anyone in over 50 years"

"Is that why your so cranky?"

"You're too young to have the sex talk. You're just a child" I said laughing

"I'm 22" she replied jumping of my lap in a huff

"Same thing" I said pinching her cheeks. "I remember how quiet to used to be. Now you're so mouthy, it makes me happy" snuggling my forehead against hers. "Oh pumpkin you're so cute. it too much"

"Stop that I'm a grown woman" she said pulling away while her cheeks went bright red. "I swear you have different personalities sometimes, where's your serious one. We're still on a mission, and you were attacked last night. What did you discuss with Castor. Also where did you disappear to last night" She looked serious, examining my eyes, searching for the answer.

'If I say what happened and how I'm half demon. The less she knows the safer she will be'. "We just made out, and did stuff." She looked deep into my eyes.

"Okay, lets go downstairs then, that annoying arse woman will be down there"

"Yhhhhh she's got hunter blood"

"Fuck, she's gonna be a pain in the arse. They are so annoying to kill. So many complications."

"You're telling me. Lets get dress and go downstairs. We may need to call in the maid to help me with this stupid corset. Fuck, why do you humans, insist on wearing so much clothing. Like why do women wear these corsets I can barely breathe. Do women like not being able to breathe is there a secret I'm missing" I said.

"Well I was born as a commoner so I never had to dress in a corset. But yes they look very uncomfortable". There was loud knocking at the door, the door swung open and Lena stood there with her hands on her hip.

"Wow, you really lack manners, do you realise that you're 3 minutes late. Do you not know how precious my time is. Look at you, don't you know how to call for maids. Getting yourself dress is something commoners do."

"No its called a basic life skill" I said. 'This bitch really starting to get on my nerves. I really want to relieve her of her spine'.

"What was that?" She snapped. "It's unbecoming of women to be disrespectful. We need to work on your class. MAIDS." She shouted, the maid ran in and all began grooming me, pulling and doing my hair, whilst the other helped me with my dress. "When they somehow fix how you look. Seriously no makeup, and your hair is wild, straighten it somehow. Make that soulless child look some what approachable too. Meet me downstairs" she slammed the door.

"I'm going to enjoy killing her" I said, the maid looked horrified.

"She meant kill her with kindness" Pumpkin tried to save it. One of the maids began to run to the door. As she reached she ran into a wall like man.

"And where are you going" a voice said.