Tested Patience

"And where are you going" Castor said. He grabbed the maid and stepped into the room and locked the door behind him. "Now my dear fiancée what have we said about that temper of yours" Castor said smirking whilst the maid fought to get out his grip, the other maids panic trying to look for things to defend themselves. Castor grabbed the maid face and forced her to look into his eyes "You didn't hear anything, all you did was dressed Lady Keres and help do her hair. That apples for the rest of you too. You remembering seeing come into the room to compliment how beautiful Lady Keres looks, and I kissed her cheek and invited her for lunch". His glowed so brightly I looked away, however everyone in the room look as if they were in a trance, Pumpkin looked the same as well.

"We dressed Lady Keres, helped do her hair, His Majesty came in and complimented Lady Keres saying how beautiful she looked, he invited her for lunch and kissed her cheek" they said in unison Pumpkin included. The maids left room Castor walked over to Pumpkin.

"trage afară" Castor said to Pumpkin, and she looked like she was back to normal.

"What did you just do?" I asked. "I've never seen that before"

"Its called compulsion, only those born as a vampire can use this, its one of our magical abilities, usually I can only do one person at a time. However, after consuming your blood it seems I can compel more people. I apologise Pumpkin, I forget that your human".

"I never knew vampires have that type of power. I thought you just hunted Gods and drink blood" I replied.

"How about we talk about it over lunch, Kol is outside to escort you to your lesson. Pumpkin the maid is outside to take you to your lessons." Castor walking towards me placing his hand on my cheek.

"When did you guys get so close" Pumpkin said, and my face went bright red removing Castor hand from my face.

"Well come on Pumpkin lets go". I ran out the room to Kol waiting there. Kol didn't look like himself, the curse is getting worst. I wonder how long it will take him before the curse makes his wolf side more permanently. I nodded at him I walked down the hallway down the stairs whilst Kol followed behind. The further I got downstairs the more flips that my stomach, the clouds over my head loomed with gloom as I walked to the tearoom. There stood the devilish woman with her arms folded tapping her foot. I wanted to feel anger but for some reason I lacked the emotion, instead I just felt annoyance. "I apologise for my lateness" I said bowing my head.

"Well, at least you look decent its a shame they couldn't fix your hair, that mane needs to be tamed its not proper for a woman, I mean your skin tone is already an oddity, I mean read the room. Your knight is black too. I don't understand what could have attracted Castor to-"

"Its your majesty, Lady Lena, I suggest you remember your place. One would think that you believe yourself to be his fiancee. We wouldn't want to confuse people now." I'm struggling to find the anger that I should feel, instead its just an annoying feeling. I can tell she's try to get under my skin, usually it would have and she spineless.

"That's right". The vein in her forehead looked like it was about to pop. "Lets begin todays lesson. We will be learning proper posture." She said picking up a book with her right hand and the cane in the other. 'Maybe her frustration could be used to my advantage. Bless her heart she thinks I don't know etiquette, I've been here for 50 years'. "Well, your, your posture is very good for a beginner, lets increase the amount of books. Knight fetch me more books". She trying to get us to be alone interesting. "Well didn't you hear me" she gleamed with frustration.

"Isn't that something the maid should do" Kol responded. Lena walked up to Kol and slapped him across the face.

"Kol, please go get the books like Lady Lena ask. Please" Kol looked like he was about to shift the anger on him face. He looked at her in the eyes full of rage. He looked at me "please, Kol" he nodded his head and left the room. "You got what you wanted. What do you want to talk to me about alone. Maybe you want to beat me with the cane, with no one watching me". I said folding my arms.

"Your smarter than you look, Lady Keres. And so am I. Your a supernatural being, I don't know what, but I can tell that you are one. So why are you here?"

"I need information. 50 year old information."

"I'll give you information for information" she responded walking closer towards me placing the cane down on the table.

"And what information do you want?" I asked.

"I'll answer a question if you answer mine. Its a give an receive Keres" She said exaggerating my name.

"Okay. What happened to your great Uncle Hudson?" I asked.

"He disappeared, 1 day of the murder of the 250 Northern troops"

"My turn. Are you actually Prince Castor finance or was that a ploy to get information"

"Out of all the questions that's your first. How interesting" I made with a boastful look on my face.

"Just answer the question" she snapped back

"Fine. In a way I guess you can say were in engaged but an agreement. But we pretended to be engaged to get infiltrate the estate. My turn. Who sent the soldiers to that village".

"My grandfather. Whats your real name?"

"Dione. Why did you great uncle disappear"

"Because he opposed the idea of sending the troops. What are you?" she asked. There was a loud scream in hallway.