
"What was that noise?" she asked. By the time she opened her mouth I had already ran out the door. Running down the hallway towards the screaming.

"KOL" I shouted, I felt a gust of wind and Kol stood in front of me stopping me from running. "I guess having Wolf hearing comes in handy. I cant run in this dress its too heavy" Kol lifted me up and placed me on his shoulder before I could blink we arrived at the scene of the crime. The stench of fresh blood burned my nostrils, the iron on my back on my throat was dry. Kol places me on the floor. The maids surrounded the body, some were vomiting whilst others stood frozen in time. "Everyone, please clear the scene. This is a crime scene. Kol call the knights to clear the area." The body was stabbed multiple I kneeled down to get a closer look, they were facing floor. The wounds are too deep to be a knife, instead this was done by a sword. If it was a supernatural kill it would have been done with hands usually a quick kill. I noticed that there was foam outside the mouth 'poison'.

"Noo. Grandad" Lena whispered.

"This was a double murder".

"What the fuck do you mean a double murder?" She ran towards the body and went to touch it before I grabbed her hand.

"Don't contaminate the crime scene. And to answer you, there were two people who tried to kill your grandfather. The first was a woman, probably one of the maids and the second one was a man probably a young one. He probably knew the second killer as he was stabbed with a sword in his belly, then he turned to run away and was stabbed multiple times in the back with the sword, meaning they were young enough to chase after them. Hmmmmm the stab in his stomach happened somewhere down the hallway. The question is where is his personal guards, as Duke of the estate its extremely weird to walk around alone especially at his age. Lady Lena do you know how many body guards your grandfather has?" I asked Lena still looked like she was in shook, she seemed to have a good relationship with her grandfather seeing that she lived with him instead of her parents.

"He, um, he, he had like 4. But he never went anywhere without Sir Noel". She responded trying to hold back the tears.

"He wasn't stab here first, he was stabbed somewhere further down the hall and he turned and ran clutching his stomach, he was then stabbed in the back and fell to his knees where he crawled away, you can tell by the way the blood is on the floor, it dripped. He then was stabbed again where he drag his body on the floor and he dragged his body through the blood."

"Lady Keres, how about we get Lady Lena somewhere away from this" Castor said putting his hands on my shoulder moving me away. Knights came and escorted Lady Lena somewhere. "Lets go to my room to discuss this". He grabbed my hand and pulled me, I felt like a child who was about to get disciplined. He pushed me into the room and slammed the door close. "Are you heartless or something, how can you be describing how her grandfather was brutally murdered right in front of her. Fuck sake Dione." Castor said sighing placing his face in his hand.

"I'm surprised you don't get flustered by blood."

"I only find God's blood appetising. I'm designed to hunt Gods so naturally I crave it."

"Do you think you could sniff out the Duke's blood and find where, the one of murderers is."

"Di, do I look like a dog to you. Human blood doesn't have a strong smell they practically smell the same."

"Hmmmmm. Its gonna be easy to figure out which maid poisoned the Duke, but we got to move quick. Let the knights know that no one lets or enters the estate. Once we find the maid who served the Duke's meals we must interrogate her. I have a feeling someone was pulling the strings."

"They're talking downstairs, they've found the knights bodies all killed. Sir Noel was found to be the one most brutally killed." Castor said trying to focus his hearing.

"Then this was an unplanned attack the second murderer has probably escaped, we need Kol to pick up the scent. Maybe Sir Noel put up a fight and manged to nip him." I said Castor approached me walking towards me looking me dead in the eyes. "KOL" I shouted the door opened and Kol came.

"I've already picked up a scent. What do you want to do?" He asked me looking envious of how close Castor was to me.

"You and Pumpkin follow the scent, while me and Cas try to hunt down the maid." I said Kol nodded his head left the room. "You know we may have to torture the maid are you sure you're up for it" I said looking Castor in the eye.

"Yeah, I can handle but can you" He said walking closer without breaking eye contact with barely 2 inches between us.

"I can handle anything, its time to use my charm and people skill, to get information"

"You're gonna-"

(In unison) "Torture them"

"Yes, yes I will" I responded smiling. "Its been a long time since I got to have some fun"

"Try not to look to excited, you make me worry. And I can be just as fun, if not more. However after we finish interrogating the maids you come back here. It will take some time for Kol and Pumpkin to track down. So how about you stay with me tonight, you know for protection."

"I'll think about it." I said smiling walking pass him and standing in the doorway. "Let's go now, we got some suspects to interview". I said facing the hallway, I turn my head over my shoulder. "You coming or what"