Twists and Turns

(Author note: The Witches' Tower, is the witches dimension, they all live in there, and reside there. It extremely huge, and is the size of the England inside, however, it looks like a castle inside.)

The cool breeze warmed my heart, the light dark night sky, were mere lyrics in the wind, dancing singing. The wind embraced the trees' arms, hugging it so gently. The flowers open its heart to the cold distance moon, expressing it's love, yearning for the attention it gives the sun. The breeze was string yet gentle, its soft hands combed my hair, lovely, tenderly caring. Castor stood beside his eyes reached out to me extending its hand. His jaw was defined, he was slim yet tone, his shoulders were broad but not overwhelming. His skin was pale, the moon kissed his skin, so kindly. His skin whispered in the wind, sparking under the moonlight, his jaw was string and affirmative. His lips looked soft, and approachable. His blue oceanic eyes glowed in the moon's gaze "Beautiful".

"I'm sorry" Castor responded

"I didn't realise I said it out loud. But, you are very beautiful" He started blushing. "haha, I've never seen you blush its quite refreshing". I said laughing.

"You're laugh, its refreshing" he said rubbing the back of his neck. "I haven't really heard it before. Its, uh, it's nice."

"It seems like, I'm not the only one gets nervous. I didn't think you would like being called beautiful this much".

"Well, I think everyone believes only women like to be complimented. But men enjoy it as well, I feel reassured."

"I guess I will, have to compliment you more then, Cas." I said giggling. The moment was ruined by the ground shaking.

"Well, looks like the tower will be teleporting soon"

"Yes, last time it was creepy in there. It would be better if I unshifted. I think the witch suspected something was off with me, if she makes contact with my skin she'll figure it out"

"Well, what if you don't come in contact with them? Will your cover still remain intact"

"I guess we're about to find out". The tower's door twisted, twirled and turned. Bending, winding and warping. The ominous music howled in the air, drumming the beauty out of the scenery. The cackling laughter shook my ear. Castor clasped his ears, whilst blood ran from them. "Cas, are you okay, you don't have to come. I know what effect Witches have on Vampires, just-".

"No, letting you go alone, is suicide, I can handle the Witches", he said with blood dripping from his eyes. It was a known side effect, that ignoring the calls of a Witch for Vampires is extreme agony, Witches and the Vampires Master. "How, about I keep the Witches distracted and you look for the secret room".

"You know what this means. Right?" I questioned

"Yes, it means that the Witches are some how involved in this whole situation"

"Can I trust you, around the Witches. How do I know you wont betray me?"

"I can resist the Witches call. Trust me."

I sighed and looked down " Fine, you go first, I'll follow, you better distract them". Castor ran ahead, into the darkness behind the door. My mind went dull, the noises faded, the goose bump spread to every inch on my body. I took a deep breath and slowly walked forward. I could hear talking in the distance. I wonder around the tower, however the rooms were always shifting. "Fuck, don't tell me". Panicking I starting running, however the path behind me was never the same. "Shit, shit, shit, please tell me I'm hallucinating". I heard screaming, the human cries, the hooves pounding on the ground, shaking the floor. "How the fuck, did they manage to make the Minotaur their lap dog? Fuck, I should have went through the window. How did that human mange to get through the labyrinth every time." The air felt hot on my neck, violating. I slowly turned around thinking that if I moved slowly it would change the outcome. There stood a 9 ft beast, towering over me, his chest moved up and down, steam pulsating out of his nostrils. His skin plastered in brown fur, and his horns protruded out his head. He let out rageful roar, the smell of blood disrespected the air, I looked behind the beast and saw a body. "What, the fuck, are the witches luring people here?" he started breathing harder. "How, did you get here?" I asked. It walked closer, its bull like face was right in front of me, staring into the abyss like eyes, the last thing its victims saw before they died. "The Minotaur first appeared 50 years go, but how did Franklin get through-. Holy shit, your Hudson, the older brother who went missing" It stopped breathing heavy, but continued its gaze at, analysing my movements. Cautiously I placed my hand on its nose patting it "Good, Hudson, where did you take your brother when he came here". I felt pity for the beast, who had been cursed by the witches, mostly when witches use strong magic there must be a sacrifice, I'm guessing some in the family had sacrificed him. The beast lifted me over its shoulder and began to run, the rooms and walls shifting where blurry. "You don't have to run so fast. Hudson slow down" He listened immediately, maybe the sound of his name was reassuring. We arrived in front of a normal room, Hudson look at me, almost pleading to come inside with me. "Fine, you can come in" he bend down to fit inside the door way. The room was filled with magically formulas. "Your brother was allowed to come here freely, with the witches permission. The other night I saw Lena coming out of the Witches tower, she had asked for me to be killed, for what reason I don't know. Did she come here" I said looking at the beast.