Sisters Sin, Mothers Cry

(Author note: The next couple of chapter will take place from different POVs at different times such as the past and present.)

(Author warning this chapter contains, miscarriage)

Morana POV

257 years ago

*Screams of agony* "Why, why do they keep dying. I just want to be a mother. Fucking Zeus." The blood trickled down my leg.

"Morana, just one more push. We have to remove it" Keres said. Her small bump complimented her body, her glowing skin, her skin looked happy. I feel envious but happy for her, I wouldn't want her to experience what I have been through, 5 times. It was a tease. I was cursed to never have children by Zeus. He cursed our whole race but my sister, who he feel in love with. Demons where branded as evil by the Gods, because they were scared of our power. He made it so our babies would survive, but we could get pregnant. Sick bastard. My first miscarriage was at 12 weeks, my next 18 weeks, 20 weeks, 25 weeks and now 30 weeks. He flaunted my sister in front of me, his prize, his trophy. I looked down at my baby, its life body, no air, no noise, no cry. It was dull devastation. The first time, felt like a knife twisted, into the gut.

"Keres, I think. I think I'm gonna leave Olympus. I know you begged for Zeus to let me stay here. But I can't stay here with that sick bastard."

"Please, sister. I need you, I can't stay here by myself. That Nile makes me feel uncomfortable. Don't leave me alone up here." I don't know whether my sister knew what Zeus did to me, or she did but choose to buy her time. "Please, don't leave me alone with that man. I can't stand the sight of him. I hate him. He killed our family, I don't want to be in the same bed as him. The things his done to you. I'll make him pay. I swear I'll never love this child."

"Take that back. The child can't pay for the sins of her father. I promise you, once you look at that baby it will mean the world to you. You would do anything for that child. I wish I could have that feeling that maternal connection."

"You've just miscarried and yet, you're being emotionally supportive to me."

"It's okay. But right now I would like some alone time with the baby. If that's okay". Keres walked out the room and closed the door. I scooped up. The lifeless body of the almost developed flower, its mouth was small, cold, deprived. Deprived of the sun on is tan skin, the warmth, the tenderness of the the air. Oxygen flowing through its lungs. The soft, smooth pedals, dark black hair like black Begonias, in the spring, rustling ever so gently in the wind. Lifting the the eye lids, slowly, gently mercifully. Behold the monotonous gem like eyes, red, ruby, cherry. The tears, stung my red raw cheeks. I think to myself, does my sister know the truth. My niece's first cousin and half brother died before it could be given life. "My son, my beautiful son. May you forever live with your sister. Protect her, watch over her. My Zion. You know your name means protector. Names are important my son. Your Aunt and I names were stolen, change by your Father and Uncle. I wish that you could watch over you baby sister. I forever wish you will be with her. My darling Zion, my air. I sorry you were cursed with me for a mother, and a sinful bastard for a Father. Maybe it's a blessing your didn't survive. This world is cursed". I lay my son's body down, tenderly, in his incomplete crib. "Sister, you can come back in". She entered the room. "I'm ready now".

"I'm sorry, sister. Zeus will pay, I swear, we will get our revenge on him. For our people, for our children, for us." Keres said crying. I held her hand and pulled her in near, letting go I placed my hand on her stomach.

"Our children, would have been the best of friends. I always wanted our children to have the relationship that we have. I feel when I look at you, its almost like looking in a mirror. Your my other half." I explained, reminiscing.

"Morana, our children will always be together there is a way we can make it possible." Keres said

"What are you talking about?" I questioned

"They can share a soul. Like how we shared a womb, they say twins share the same soul. The other can feel what the other feels. Our children can share a soul, your son can live on in mine." Keres described

"Zion, will live for her. She will live for him" I answered

"She?" Keres questioned

"I have a feeling it will be a girl." We held each others hands and closed our eyes.

"What were about to do is forbidden." Keres stated

"It's okay, we do this together" I promised.

*At the same time* "Animi sint unum. Animi sint unum. Animi sint unum. Coniunge, frater et soror. Vive pro uno, et vive pro altero. Meditationes, specula, mutuo, obcaecantes lumen. Animi sint unum. Sine altera non integra est. Imperfectum. Fieri unus. Vivere. Vivere. Vivere. Animi sint unum. Animi sint unum. Animi sint unum. Frater et Soror simul iungunt ut unum." (In english it translates to "Souls be one. Souls be one. Souls be one. Join together, the blood of brother and sister. Live for one and live for the other. Reflections, mirrors, see each other, the blinding light. Souls be one. Without the other, it's not complete. Unfinished. Become one. Live on. Live on. Live on. Souls be one. Souls be one. Souls be one. Brother and Sister together join as one.") The warm feeling embraced me, the light flowed between me and my sister. Zion body set of fire, the blaze was black, like sin.

"Will it work?" Keres asked

"I don't know. But I hope it did."