A Chosen End?

(Author warning: This chapter contains violence)

Pumpkin POV (present time)

"I don't think he could have gotten far" Kol said sniffing.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He's becoming quite aggressive, I know I haven't known him long. Literally a couple of days, but he seems quite animalistic.

"Yes, I'm fine." He said with a short tone

"You sure. You seem tense. The way you look at Master with Castor, is like someone spat in your mouth." I said hoping for an explanation as to why

"Well, I don't care okay. It doesn't matter. Not like a vampire can be trusted. She'll realise that soon" He said bitterly, with a pleading look in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He's drank her blood right"

"Well, yes. I mean I don't think he drank a lot. Lets just find this guy and bring him back to the estate"

"Fine. The smell of blood is getting stronger in this direction" He sounded annoyed. While we were walking towards the a run down town.

"Whats the deal with this wolf thing. Like how come you look" Looking him up and down his huge size was almost terrifying, I felt tiny compared to him, I'm only 4ft 7. "Well, human-ish, you're so tall".

"I was cursed, by someone. I don't know who. I can't control when I shift. But I was cursed when I came to Earth. Certain things can make me shift, like when I first saw Dione."

"So you shift due to emotions. SO you're saying that love makes you human, whilst anger makes you more animal like"

"Yes, look. I want to be with Dione, and to do that I need to break the curse"

"But, I thought. That werewolves, only change on the full moon and that they travel in packs"

"Well, I'm not a werewolf, I'm a Wolf. The curse eats away at your sanity, patience its draining. I- I just want to be free." He said walking towards the door.

"Look, I don't know how to say this. But Master, she doesn't get close to the opposite sex, I mean she's had sex with men. But she hasn't slept with Vampire Prince, she seems serious about him. I've never seen her flustered around a man like that before." He gripped the door handle tightly.

"And your point is?" He said gritting his teeth.

"My point is, I think she like Vampire mysterious. In a way he kinda of suits her."

"You don't get it. It's forbidden for Gods to be with dark supernatural beings, especially marriage and having children. Zeus forbid it. Dione idolises her father."

"I think her father is an arse. I mean he sent her here, his own daughter. He didn't even investigate the situation. If you ask me -"

"Watch your mouth. Blasphemy, can get you killed, being cursed by a God for blasphemy is the worst thing, bad luck, death, infidelity, yes he's slept with other people's wives out of anger, he makes himself look like them. Zeus favourite is death by lightening strike."

"I'm not scared of that coward"

"He's not a coward he's the strongest being in existence are Nature. And Nature doesn't interfere with these things. As long as the world is still moving that's all that matter to Nature. I don't think even Dione could take Zeus."

"Are we going in or not. This guy probably had time to make himself a tea, and relax. Hurry up and open the fucking door".

"Little girls shouldn't swear. Its not nice."

"Just open the damn door" He swung open the door. As the door opened a man no older than 35 was dangling from the ceiling with rope tied around his neck.

"This. Did he commit suicide?"

"I don't know, I'm not as smart as Master. But if he committed suicide he was probably hired by someone. I believe he was probably a knight, who wasn't well, given the fact he killed himself. I wish Master was here, she see things that most don't."

"That's Di for you, she's always been smart." He looked down at the floor smiling.

"You seem to care for her a lot. Don't you?"

"Yeah I do"

"Then why did you cheat on her and deny it"

"I, I, listen not everything is what it seems."

"Really, because I think you're just making up that Vampire Prince is a bad guy. And that drinking her blood has effected him. Thinking that I will go tell Master that he's a bad guy. You're quite manipulative."

"Listen, lets just search the house and see if we can find anything", walking around the house there was nothing in sight, it was strangely organised. 'No suicide note or nothing'.

"There's no note" I said

"Maybe he was illiterate"

"Maybe? I don't have the intellect for this. You're like 1000s year old don't you have, like, smarts. Didn't you use to be a God."

"Hey, I was the God of War in Olympus they used to call me Ares, but I prefer the name Kol. And I'm 300 years old. Please don't age me, it's depressing" He said burrowing his eyebrows, whilst frowning.

"Wait, your name is Ares?" I said look perplexed

"Yes, problem?" He questioned with his arms folded and eyebrow raised

"Wait there's a back door." I said point at the door. Kol turned around, looking at the door

"Wait here I'll go take a look" He said while running out the door.

"Hmmmm, so you're the great Pumpkin I assume" A mysterious voice said, turning around stood the mirror image of Master. He was the same height, same caramel skin, smelling salty sweet. Red blinding eyes, blood red eyes, ruby gem eyes.

"Who? Who are you? You're not Master are you?

"No, well in a way I guess you could say yes. I like you, you protect my sister. All I care about is protecting my sister. She is my world, my soul, my first love." He said holding his chest.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here to protect my sister. For revenge, those who hurt my sister" He said clinching his fists, little sparks came out of his hands. "Where is Ares? He's my next target"

"Wait, that man never killed the Grand Duke. You did"