Sometimes, the sentiment matters most

By who knows what miracle, Theo got directions from a nearby R.I to his father's lab. The whole route seemed awfully familiar. A minute later he knew why.

'Isn't this the same room that R.I went into?'

He'd been there before. The first R.I that gave him directions parted ways here.

His ID wouldn't have unlocked the door, so he tried to knock. A fairly old way of entering a room but it couldn't be helped. He did get a lot of stares from the passersby though.

Knock! Knock!

He waited and the door opened. He met the same R.I again.

"Hey, we meet again. Is there a guy named Rogers in here?" Theo didn't waste time.

"Yes. Do you have an appointment?" The R.I greeted Theo with a smile. It wasn't rare for R.I to show emotions. They were merely calculated of course.

"Not really. I'm his son. So would you mind informing him?"

"I am told not to let anyone in but given your biological signature, I can almost classify you as the professor himself. So you can come in."


Theo's father, Rogers, had a tendency to get people to call him professor. He never got the job he wanted in a certain university and from then on, he had been like this.

And even after becoming a full-time R.I engineer he never really let that passion of being called 'professor' go.

'And what's with that logic?'

"Well, I am his son. He had to bless me with his horrible genes too. So you might have a point. " Theo grumbled and went in. "Where is he?"

"In there." She pointed at the closet. "I wouldn't recommend going there."

Theo didn't pay any heed. He went there anyway. "Pops?" He opened the door.

"Oh, what a naughty prof-" A female voice stopped abruptly.

As the two inside, turned their heads this way, almost like badly oiled machines.

"The-Theo! The hell you doing boy!" His father hurriedly covered his crotch and the girl under him, covered herself in a blanket. Hard to imagine they could get it on so well in a closet, at least for Theo that was hard.

But Theo wasn't fazed. He knew his father. He clicked his tongue and turned around.

"Damn you Sizzy. I told you not to let anyone in!" Theo's father turned to the robot and glared.

"She has a name?" Theo murmured.

"You're surprised by that!?" Rogers hurriedly put on his pants.

Theo's father, Rogers was a well-built man, rather handsome at that. He was both taller and wider than Theo. Clearly, Theo didn't get those genes.

"But professor. He is your biological offspring. His signature and yours are the same. Hence he is just an extension of yourself. So I let 'you' in. Thus, your orders weren't ignored," the R.I- SIzzy reasoned.

Theo giggled. "Well, I have to say. This one really has logic."

"I know right." Rogers' assistant, Laura finished dressing up or she would have if she didn't take forever to put on those black leggings. She was awfully excited despite being caught. "She's the best one. The very best!" Half of her body was still exposed. A fine, young, brunette with good features. Most guys could hardly resist the temptation.

Theo didn't like her one bit.

"I got that part. Could you guys not do this kind of thing in broad daylight?" Theo still didn't turn around.

Rogers grumbled and glared. "Don't poke your nose where it don't belong boy. What'cha want?" He was finished, grabbed a stool, and took a seat in front of Theo.

"Nothing. I'm leaving the planet. Finally got a job. Last night mother called. She told me to check on you. That's it." Theo didn't want to bother them too much either: he wanted to leave.

"Huh! The nerve of that woman. First, she leaves me, takes away all my kids: my pride and joy, and now she worries about me? Are you fu*king kidding me!?" Theo's father was definitely not listening.

"Calm down you Popsicle. Who cares about that? I'm leaving, and that's what you're worried about?"

"Wait, ya gotta job? And who you calling Popsicle? Call me Papa! Papa!"

"Did you even listen to me? And no thank you."

Rogers came close to Theo, grabbed both of his shoulders, and started to shake them. "Seriously!? My son has finally got a job!" He didn't give a damn about his son calling him things. His mind was totally overruled by the fact that his son finally landed on a job.

Theo sighed. At least his father was excited. He didn't feel the need to tell his father the real reason he got the job, but smiled faintly anyway. Most of his family members behaved well enough to him. No one acted rude or condescending. But they didn't treat him equally either. Being the only one treated special in the family wasn't something he wanted.

But his father was different. Although his father never made enough time for family or things like that, he genuinely cared for Theo. It wasn't something trivial as pity. Rather, it was love: well, probably.

"When are ya leaving?"

"I haven't checked the details yet. But probably soon. I have everything right here." He caressed the bag. "I even got the advance payment. I have to buy these things too." Theo briefly told him about the job. He had previously taken a good look at the required equipment he'd need. They definitely weren't cheap.

"Sounds too good to be true. I don't plan to be a party pooper, but it isn't worth the risk."

It was just as Rogers said. It was too dangerous for someone like Theo. Best case scenario, he'd come out with most of his limbs attached. Worst case, he'd drift for all eternity in the coldness of space. Or perhaps if he was even unluckier, he'd be stuck in the ninth dimension, searching for light all eternity. There was no concept of time in that dimension, it was the closest to hell, humans had known.

But Theo knew all that.

"I know. But I really want to." Theo explained what his mother had told him. He didn't specifically say anything about his mother pulling strings, but Rogers could figure that much out, on his own.

"The money is too great. And since yar mother is involved, this must be a big deal. I really think ya shouldn't do this, son."

Theodore smiled. His father knew that smile. Rogers knew his son's mind was made up. There was no changing it.

Rogers sighed, giving up. "I guess there's no helping it. You're my son after all. By the way, what do you think of Sizzilien4ienV9$@4? She's the best one we've made. The one and only of her kind." Theo's father proceeded to pronounce the name in a not so fathomable way.

'The best you got for a topic change?'

"What the hell is up with that name? Is your head alright?"

Rogers chuckled. "You can call her Sizzy." And his tone took a sudden smug turn.

'Just say that from the start, moron.' Of course, Theo didn't say it out loud.

"You guys already told me that. Anyway, how's she so different?" Theo was kind of interested as well.

Roger's assistant was just watching the whole thing from the sidelines but now she exploded like an over-pumped tube. "She has two brains. Just like humans have a second brain in the gut, she has one there too. Her logical brain acts like any other robot. But the second one conflicts with it and reasons with reality or the orders you give. Think about it, would an ordinary R.I have let you in?"

All of them looked at Sizzy, the R.I who was busy looking at the butterfly-like specimen in the tank. The butterfly was three times bigger than typical ones, had eight wings, and black patterns on its wings. It was an alien. And Sizzy was curious.

"You do have a point. But isn't she dangerous? It almost sounds like the simulation of free will. And you know what happened last time."

"Hmm, yes, I'm aware. But don't you think humans are dangerous? I don't think she is any more dangerous than a toddler." Rogers grinned. "She's pretty good. I think I've taught her well enough."

"You mean you taught her all those stuff, right?" Theo pointed at the closet.

Rogers nervously chuckled. "Not really. I did give her that organ though. And I also gave her the necessary sensors and processors. Salina adjusted the sensitivity. You'd be surprised how well she functions: at least that's what Laura tells me." Rogers turned to his assistant.

Theo sighed. "You gotta be kidding me. You didn't soil her did you?"

"She's kind of like my daughter, so no. unfortunately."

'Why do you look sad?' Theo was both disgusted and marveled. Rogers had a history of sleeping with things, things which clearly weren't human. So, Theo was marveled that he could hold himself back. He was disgusted as he figured Rogers had considered sleeping with this R.I regardless.

"I wonder how many things you've put your Dick in." And he wondered it out loud too.

"The hell you saying, boy! I'm your father!"

"Yes. Unfortunately," Theo mumbled. He still loved his father. He just couldn't show it.

Rogers' assistant cleared her throat. "Why don't you take her outside and get the gears you'll need? I can arrange a teleport for you."

"You guys want me out that badly, huh? I suppose you would. I did interrupt you. But should I really take her out?"

"I need her to see more of the world. And you're tolerant. So it should be fine. Besides we need data about her limits and capacities before we could improve or change the design. I can't really deny your suspicions either. I do feel a little tinkle. Just bring her back in one piece and we'll call it even."

'I don't remember owing you anything.' "Fine whatever." Theo turned around. He didn't care about who his father slept with. In this age, this kind of thing didn't really matter anymore, at least not in his family. "Later pops." He just headed for the door.

"Send me the date later. I'll see you off. And do you need money?"

"Sure. And no, I just got paid, remember?"

Though Theo's father talked frankly about money, Theo couldn't take that. He promised himself he wouldn't.