ON the bridge

The night passed and Theo woke up groggy as ever. He couldn't get much sleep. Too excited perhaps.

"You look dreadful," Sizzy added.

"Your speech is dreadful." Theo squinted his chin and went straight for the bathroom. 'Who cares if I look dreadful? I don't need you telling me that!' And he was feeling rather salty too.

Theo treated Sizzy like any other R.I but subconsciously he ranked her higher. It had more to do with his father's wishes than Sizzy's attitude or capability for that matter.

In general, Sizzy was like a child. She had the potential to become an adult but not enough experience. So she often sounded a bit rude. And Theo knew that but he subconsciously avoided the fact.

With something halfway between a yawn and a sigh Theo washed his face and glared at the mirror. 'My God! I do look dreadful.'


"I don't know the way, so you'll have to lead me." Theo was almost finished dressing up.

Sizzy didn't need a change of clothes. Her clothes were made from nanobots. They could self-repair. Her clothes looked brand new: black silk with azure threads. She had tight silver socks upto her thighs and her one-piece nano dress stretched to her knees.

The skirt was nowhere to be seen.

Theo on the other hand couldn't afford stuff like that. He had the money now, but he didn't want to spoil himself: apparently, grapes were sour. So, normal clothes were the way to go; a formal suit and tie.

Besides, he'd be wearing his explorer suit outside the ship and when he's inside, he'd be mostly just in his room, anyway.

"Of course." Sizzy's reply was almost instantaneous.

It was twenty minutes short of eight in the morning. They were supposed to be at the bridge by eight. So the clock was ticking.

"Alright. Let's go."

The door opened and before Theo could get out, he saw the same R.I who showed him around yesterday, waiting at his door.

"I have been waiting for you, Theodore Black. Please follow me."

'The same pattern as yesterday, huh?' Theo didn't mind but this wasn't something he liked either. Once wasn't a big deal but twice was like getting special treatment. He hated getting special treatment. He just wanted everyone to treat him the same.

"Sure. Let's go." Theo contained his annoyance.

"Please wait. I have only been instructed to take you. She has no business at the bridge." The R.I pointed at Sizzy.

Sizzy didn't look too surprised.

"Unfortunately she is my bodyguard. So she'll have to come along." Theo didn't like the R.I's attitude. It was true that she was just a bundle of clever programs but she could still have at least some form of intelligence. But the way she'd phrased her instructions, sounded more like orders.

Sizzy tried to defend Theo's wish. "I have permission to be on board the ship and operate within. I will follow protocol so-"

The R.I didn't let Sizzy finish and continued. "I'm afraid I cannot permit that. I've been instructed-"

Theo was already getting late: it hit a nerve. "You already told me that. Anyway, stand down."

"But I have been-"

"I don't care. I order you to stand down. She'll come along." Theo grinded his teeth and kept his voice low. He didn't want to waste his energy on something trivial like this R.I.

"You're not authorized to order me." The R.I's tone became more and more condescending.

Humans were one thing, but now even machines?

"Then who the hell do you take orders from?" Finally, Theo raised his voice. He was seething with anger. Not only would he be late on the first day, but also, he'd have to deal with a faulty machine. "Bring that bitch here!" His sense of rationality and presence took a U-turn.

"I will not tolerate disrespect towards my master. Please use your words with caution," the R.I hissed.

"You pathetic piece of scrap-" Theo was a patient man, but today wasn't his day.

"Now, now let's not get so heated. Why won't we talk this through?" A red-haired girl came between the two. She came so suddenly, neither noticed her.

Fragrance. A very strong cologne- intoxicating even.

Theo's first thoughts? Expensive.

She had a beautiful hawk nose and amber eyes. If she were born in the middle east- of earth- in the past, then she might have been treated like nobility. "What seems to be the problem here?" Her clothes were similar to Sizzy's but red in color and hers stretched down to her ankles, rather than just her knees.

Theo began explaining. "She must be faulty. I've been trying to explain that my companion is my bodyguard but she wouldn't listen."

"Oh yeah, the geezer did mention something like that." The girl thought out loud. Then she looked at the R.I "Why not let her come along?"

"Of course, my lady."

Theo was a bit irritated, but he didn't have to waste here.

With that, the four of them headed for the bridge.

"Don't fault her too much. We're working on advanced R.I mechanics. She is a prototype," the red-haired girl said.

'So pops isn't the only one doing the research.' Theo understood he had to tread carefully. "You are?"

"Voli Sellapi. Nice to meet you." She spread her hands for a shake.

Still walking.

"Theodore Black. Pleasure." Theo shook her hands. "Now, how come she listened to you?"

'Black?' Voli flashed a smile. "Well, she's registered under my command you see. Actually, I think all the R.I except your friend over there and the head of the R.I- Veine, are under my direct command."

They were the only ones walking the empty hallway.

"Really? I take it you're a veteran and have a very high post. The captain, perhaps?" Theo didn't really know much about the crew. He had everything he needed to know about. But he only skimmed them.

And now, he regretted it.

After all, if this woman was really the captain and if he asked her whether she was or not- wasn't it just embarrassing?

"No, I'm the vice. "

"The vice-captain." Theo thought for a second, no emotion in particular.

"What, you're not satisfied?" Voli came close to him and grinned.

"Hmm… not really what I thought but oh well." Theo didn't pay too much attention to her.

Normally he'd talk a bit more carefully. But his mood was still a little foul, and he was late.

Voli was a little disappointed. "What sort of reaction is that?" 'You're no fun!'

"Sorry about the earlier stuff. I called you-" At the time Theo didn't know if the owner of this R.I even was a girl or not, but he cursed anyway. It was rare for him to get this riled up. Maybe not getting enough sleep was a very bad idea.

"It's okay. No hard feelings." She was a little hurt and that was evident in her eyes. But she didn't make a scene out of this. She had other plans. 'I could use him.' Anything that had the potential to make money was worth her investment.

Theo didn't reply.


They arrived at the bridge and both of them went in, followed by the R.I. There were roughly eleven people already there and the clock had already passed eight, five minutes ago.

'Damn, I'm late!' Theo didn't really have any excuses.

And almost everyone had the same clothes as Sizzy and Voli. Only he was in a formal suit. 'Crap…'

Everyone was staring at the new arrivals. Theo clenched his teeth and waited for them to laugh it off. He was always the laughing stock after all.

"Now then, since we're all here, let's begin." A stout lady in her mid-twenties came forward and stood in the middle of the bridge. She was fairly beautiful but something about her gave off a different vibe; the aura of danger. "I am Sharon Barslain, the captain of this ship." She presented herself with pride and elegance.

Theo was relieved but he didn't know what to expect. 'Guess they don't care about being late.' He was more relieved that no one laughed at him.

But Theo thought too soon. Sharon looked straight at Theo and Voli. "Next time I expect everyone to show up on proper time. It is only natural we follow proper conduct and etiquette."

Theo could only make himself straight and resign himself. He deserved it- at least that's what he thought.

The captain turned to the rest of the crew. "Please introduce and acquaint yourselves with each other. You'll be spending two months on this ship. Our jobs will officially begin from 1100 today. Good luck gentlemen." She went out of the bridge.

"What kind of captain goes out of the bridge and leaves her crew alone?" Theo whispered.

"There are some who don't even talk with crew. I guess she's better than them?" Voli replied.

"What'cha guys plotting together!" John came over and spread his long arms over Theo's shoulders.

A hushed squeak escaped Voli's lips.