The second warp and the memories

It was already quite late but Theo still fiddled with the map all night. There wasn't much to do with the menu but the map was amazing and he knew it. He looked at things, he looked at distant planets, distant civilizations. If this map really was real, then the galaxy was full of life, and yet, right now, it was more or less sterile.

Was the government deliberately trying to hide everything or was there more and something killing all life? He didn't know but before he could dive too deep into all this, he fell asleep.




With a bit of a headache, Theo woke up, and just stared at the ceiling. The map was still here.

'Not a dream, huh?' He chuckled to himself. 'Of course, it's not!'

Sizzy was fixed and she made her way into Theo's room first thing in the morning. And though Theo felt like he should have apologized, Sizzy forbade him to. After all, it was her decision. And her main purpose was to help Theo survive.

Theo actually wanted to go visit her yesterday, but he was too busy and perhaps a bit exhilarated for the system… And she showed up before he could even attempt to get up and get fresh.


Theo did fondle around with the menu but he couldn't find anything interesting. He didn't get his next quest either.

There was no cooldown and there wasn't any point.

So, for the time being, he stopped interacting with it.

It had been twenty minutes since Sizzy arrived in Theodore's room and he was already feeling intimidated. He couldn't quite put a finger on it, but something was different.

"Say, do you feel any different?"

Theo was on his bed while Sizzy was just standing by the door, looking at the Holo. It was possible she was communicating without the usage of any interactions, at least visible interactions.

Meanwhile, Theo just yawned, trying to get up. It was nine and he had to get fresh.

'And what the hell is that smell?' A bit of oily and smoky smell came lingered in the room…

"My second brain was unharmed; therefore, my memory and conscience are still intact. So, no." Sizzy's voice was deadpan.

'Conscience, huh?' Theo could almost chuckle, but he didn't. After all, he didn't have the right to.

Conscience was a term rather famous in the AI era. After all, during those times the AI were technically conscious and they claimed their rights. And for that purpose, they didn't need life, at least not human life.

Humans were a great waste of resources or so the all-powerful A.I claimed. And what came next was no surprise.

"I feel different though. Stronger even." Theo bemused. After all, it was true.

He didn't know how to start a conversation about the system and all that yet, so he tried to be a bit mysterious about it.

Sizzy came close to Theo and sat right next to him. "Yes, you do seem stronger. Perhaps humans evolve this way? Or-"

The smoky smell got slightly stronger. Yet- it wasn't making Theo uncomfortable. If anything, his appetite was slightly aroused. 'Better get breakfast fast.'

'Humans evolve?' Theo found it a bit odd how Sizzy phrased her sentences.

"You already know about human evolution, don't you?" Theo chuckled.

Sizzy was probably joking. But then Theo realized. Wasn't she just an R.I? Could she joke around like human beings?

It was possible, but-

"Yes, I'm aware." Sizzy got up and went towards her quarters. "If you'll excuse me, I have to manually repair some parts." Her speech was neutral. "And clean myself."


Theo couldn't pinpoint it but something about the R.I felt different. Then again, he was also different, so maybe that's why?

Perhaps, but he didn't know.

He sighed and then in the corner of his eye a small icon flashed. The same icon of his quest menu. And he heard two distinct beeps before they faded away.


Status (locked lv5)

Quests (2*)

Equipment (locked lv5)

Magic(locked lv10)

Refinement (locked lv15)

Abilities (locked lv15)

Journal(locked lv5)

Enchantment(locked lv50)

Turbo(locked lv5)

??? (locked lv100)

He had two quests. One, [Lick something not yet licked.] Simple enough- Theo thought. The rewards were just like the last day, 1000 exp and a potion. Wait, a potion? Theo almost giggled at the thought. He felt like a shut-in gamer again.

But then he saw the second one, and his eyes wanted to pop out. [Lick a girl's lips.]

'Is it me or did this get a lot, lot harder.'

If the last one was like killing an ant, this was like killing the queen bee. Both were possible, but the latter was exponentially harder. And the system was very specific to include that it had to be a girl's lips.

But the reward was also quite generous at 49995 exp. Almost fifty thousand!

Theo took a deep breath and now he knew what he needed to do. And then he again got the thought. 'This is so stupid.' He chuckled to himself.


There was a loud announcement on the ship. Though the mission was a failure and some people died, explorer John had managed to secure a small deposit of Sylvanide and because of that the warp engines were once more functional and they would initiate warp within two minutes.

The announcement came out of nowhere and Theo fumbled on his way to secure himself. 'You can't be serious!' Of course, he was glad and proud of his friend but at the same time, if he didn't get strapped fast, he was about to be squished.

He didn't have his coffee yet, for crying out loud. He yelled for Sizzy but there was no response from the R.I and he didn't have time to go and check either.

He'd already wasted one minute just fumbling, after all.

He tried hard and succeeded in strapping himself just two seconds before the warp. 'That was a close one.' He wiped off the sweat and smiled.

But then it hit-

It was almost as though his soul was being stretched and unknown memories filled his brain. And he almost forgot all of them instantly as the warp stabilized.

But one particular memory stuck around.

'We were wanderers, exploring the universe. We were prosperous, we were bountiful. But we were naïve and those things were there. Be aware.'

A voice- no, multiple voices, meshed together… memories… pictures… blur.

Theo snapped out of the small daydream, as Sizzy shook him. "Are you alright?" Sizzy asked, a bit concerned.


She didn't have any clothes on, dripping water. Apparently, she was having a shower.

Theo breathed hard but the memory didn't vanish and he could remember the voice. The same voice he'd heard before passing out in the cave. The voice of that girl.

"Say, is there an implant in my brain or body? Anything?" The thought of a naked girl in front of him, didn't even evoke an ounce of feeling in him.

Then again he was too shaken and perhaps he subconsciously dismissed her as just another robot.

She did have a blessed chest for a robot. Not enough to be called large though, but definitely enough.

SIzzy stared at him for a minute, scanning his body. She touched his head lightly. "NO. Though there are certain new and foreign antibodies in your body. They don't seem to be hurting you, so they should be fine. Your brain chemistry is slightly altered, but nothing to worry about."


Theo composed himself but the memory didn't sit right with him.

And now he knew. 'All of these are the real deal.' These weren't fake and these weren't from an implant either. Everything was real and he had to deal with them. He had to accept them whether he liked it or not.

'But how the hell am I supposed to lick a girl's lips?' A true predicament, indeed.

And then he noticed that SIzzy's hands were wet. "What the-" He also noticed that she wasn't wearing anything.

Finally, his eyes opened wide, he blushed slightly and looked away. "So-Sorry to disturb you when you were having a shower."

Did R.I, even need to shower?

He didn't know.

"Would you like to join me?" Sizzy offered.

And now both of them stared at each other.


Needless to say, only one of them was sweating and that was Theo. 'The hell did you put in her, old man?'