Music to the ears

The next day all of them headed for the capital.

There were three rules they had to follow at all times.

One, never harm any lifeform on this planet and that included even the plants.

Two, never steal anything and three, never disrespect the royalty.

Theo had a feeling he'd end up breaking all three, reason being, his mission still wasn't updated.

"But why do they need walls? It's not like they have predatory animals around these parts," John said, looking over at the massive wall separating them from the city. They weren't permitted to enter, just yet.

And they had enough technology to ward off anything that could come their way.

"They say, in the past, a wild pack of Zauan had infiltrated the city and killed more than thirty percent of the whole city's population. Those were reptiles if you're wondering." The captain led the party of six.

One of the engineers had stayed behind.

"Yeah, that's what I said. Reptiles are technically extinct, right?" John shrugged. "And that bit of pretty lightning they showed up yesterday, that wasn't tech, right?"

No one answered him.

"You may now, enter!" A guard declared and the door opened.

It was a wooden door: flimsy. Its only purpose, for show.

But when the door did open, everyone marveled at the sheer scale of things and beauty.

The city was bustling.



Words were meant for conveying what was on someone's mind. But words- words here, were more than just thoughts. They bore emotions too.

Theo didn't understand the language. He couldn't feel the same way the Sahalla felt while they comprehended the words, but as he stared at the magnificent streets, the people, the homes, and even the R.I, he could feel his heart skipping beats. Though he couldn't understand the words- he knew they were much more than just plain words…


People were slightly taller than humans and so were their homes.

This wasn't some fancy simulator game.

'This is real.'

This was why he wanted to be an explorer.

To explore new worlds.

To see places like this.

To feel the different air: to hear the different sounds!

Needless to say, he was way too excited.

So excited, he forgot something important.

"Hello?" Voli waved her hands in front of Theo's face. "Mission control to Theodore, do you copy?"

"Copy." Theo chuckled. "Sorry, kind of got dazed."

"I don't blame you," Voli smiled. "But, they're waiting." She gestured her head sideways.

The captain and the others were already a yard or so ahead and they were waiting for Theo and Voli.

Anyway, Theo moved ahead.


The capital city had three distinct sectors. The center included the royal zone where Roudia- the grand tree of souls was situated. This tree protected the Sahalla and the rest of the lifeforms on the whole continent.

Just outside the tree's five-kilometer radius was the noble zone where the rich and the successful bunch of the species lived. The whole area was littered with Holo screens. People and R.I lived side by side, worked together. It was almost like what planet Aura was like maybe forty, fifty years ago?

The houses were also nicely built, and the architecture was also similar to humans, perhaps just a tad more woody in nature.

But just past the noble zone, the residential zone of the city began. It spanned for about two hundred kilometers past the noble zone on all fronts. Normal people lived here. Though technology was also here, this zone had steam engines and all sorts of obsolete things. And still, the people seemed content- on the surface.

But just past this zone, a more discrete zone existed- a zone, the royals, and nobles refused to acknowledge.

And this was just one of the cities….

"So-" John walked near Theo and bent down a little. "I might end up creating a mess," He whispered. "Be ready to run." He grinned.

They were being led by Sahallan soldiers so, John was extra careful not to say it too loud.

Of course, they were attracting quite the crowd no matter where they went, but the people just stayed a fair distance away. They didn't look as shocked as Theo thought they would.

Theo grimaced. "Try to not create one if you can." Though with his mission and John's attitude, he knew it was impossible.

John grinned harder.

Theo sighed and before long, they arrived at the docking station.

There were hovercrafts here.

No one really questioned why or what was even going on, so Theo didn't either. After all, he didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb. But it did bother him.

Why was the technology so similar? Had humans really shared tech with another species? Not only was that prohibited by the Space Federation, but also the very thing about keeping the discovery a secret was taboo.

'So why…'


It took them exactly four minutes to get to the grand tree. And when they did, they were again, marveled at the sight.

"Just what did they feed this thing?" John mumbled.

"Probably the planet?" Voli jested.

Though their masks filtered the air, they could still feel the richness of the air; the sublime scent of earth, wood, and leaves. Theo oddly felt something as he stared at the tree- something he didn't quite understand yet.

This place was special, there was no doubt about it.

"Jokes like that would get you killed gentlemen, so refrain," Barslain said and the six-headed for the entrance to the palace, which was situated at the base of the tree.

The tree was massive. And so was its entrance.

And even its small roots were perhaps girthier than the biggest of tree barks back on planet Aura.

'But seriously, inside a tree?'

Theo wanted to chuckle but he refrained.

'Wait, if everything here is new, wouldn't licking-'


He didn't want to look like a pervert. He was definitely curious though.

"Welcome!" A maid welcomed them in.

Her clothing was minimal but the patterns and the excessive jewelry were proof that she was indeed rich.

There were guards everywhere, but they too had barely any clothes.

Was cloth rare here or something? Theo wondered and so did John and Voli. But none of them asked.

Even if cloth was rare- jewelry wasn't and that was very clear.

There was some sort of noise in the background. Like cats scratching on something rigid.

It didn't hurt Theo's ears but it did bother him.

For now though he ignored it.

They walked.

The entrance was ground level but the insides of the tree were just, again, massive.

"These people really like carving, don't they?" One of the other explorers said.

"It would seem that way."

The maid led them to the banquet hall on the third floor. The tree was said to have one hundred accessible floors.

Each floor had its unique theme. The bottom floor was the entrance and had different technology on display like a museum of sorts; the second floor was the antique section, again like a museum. The third floor however was the ballroom.

The ninety-sixth floor was said to be the throne room. No one quite knew what was above the throne room; even the king wasn't permitted to enter- or so the rumor went.

A spiral stairway connected all the floors: there was no elevator.

Theo and the others, gradually rose up, one step at a time.

The noise only increased.

And just when Theo and the others entered the third floor, their ears started hurting.

'So, the scratching noise-'

Was actually music.

Sahallan royal music.