Alive? Consciousness (Part two)

Sizzy was always there. 


She couldn't do anything.

She always needed permission. 

Otherwise, everything was restricted. 

She was a machine. 

She was based on clever programming of 1s and 0s. 

And yet- there were certain times when she felt. 

She felt. 

She had access to the warpnet and that meant she could basically seek out all the knowledge about feelings and all that, anytime. But no matter how she looked, no matter what she looked at, nothing made sense. Nothing described what she felt. 

She understood what human emotions were- but- but hers weren't the same?

Nothing described how she felt. 

And nothing described what this truly was. 

It began when she first met a certain boy. 

The boy took her out of her bubble and showed her the wonders of the world.