A new beginning




The theater room was booming. 

Just as the final explosion erupted- the movie had come to an end. The lead actress had never given up and to free the world of this curse, and to protect her pride, she'd destroyed the ship- making sure the virus didn't spread…

And people liked that…

Apparently- the movie was a big success. 

How much of that was the story and how much was the fanservice- there wasn't any way to tell.

"See, see!" Salvadors was just behind the large screen, staring at the massive crowd. "I told you it'd be a grand success!"

About a good ten thousand or so people were here. A massive theater room with a massive screen.

Kevein sighed. "You were literally pissing your pants just moments ago!" 

Rin, meanwhile, just stared at the crowd. 

The cheering crowds. 

The sounds barely reached her; stuck in a haze.

She'd never seen so many people at once before.