What blasphemy! More gasps-

Boran's eyes opened slightly but he smiled. "I see… but if you should clash against your mother, you should know you stand no chance to win."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Sizzy said. "Everyone has agreed to help in our cause."

She looked around and the R.I all formed a unit just behind her, organized. 

But Boran didn't get one thing. "How did you do it? They are all hardwired to follow human orders and-" 

Theo just smiled. "Well, I'm still a human as you can see so. And as for how-" he winked. "Why the hell would I spill my secrets to you?"

Boran snorted. "So, what now?? Kill me and take over my role?"

Theo was the son of a Regent, meaning he had the necessary lineage to take over the role of another Regent. But this practice was awfully criticized and had the very possible risk of a revolt. 

"Not quite." Theo kept on smiling. "Skully if you will." The dog and the crab manifested. "And you're sure this'll work?"