Space- empty no more

It was peaceful, perhaps too peaceful.

"This way," the instructor said.

Rin walked just behind her. 

A tranquil place of sorts.

Not much noise and there were actually trees and some birds? With an open roof no less. 

She hadn't seen trees in at least two months since she came to this planet.

Actually- 'Takes me back…' She oddly remembered the times back on that distant planet. Lots of flora and fauna…

But of course, life moved on and she had to, too.

She spent quite a bit of her time learning more about the world and the norms. Apparently, most of what she knew, were real but just a bit out of touch.

Her information for the most part was ten years out of sync with the world. 

  But that wasn't that big of a difference and so things moved on fine. Besides, she didn't learn all that much besides history anyway.