A dramatic turn!

Crime and punishment.

The two went hand in hand.

The reality of society.

"Sizzy!" Theo shouted. "Wh-what are you even talking about?"

Sizzy still didn't look at Theo. 

"How would you have me punished?" She stared. "I would appreciate it if I could be at least by his side- even if I no longer had any life left… perhaps a part of me-"

Even if she couldn't be with him- she still wished to be by his side. Even in death-

"That is too dangerous," A Regent shook her head. "I vote we destroy her and erase her existence." She herself was part machine- a cyborg.

  Three other Regents agreed. 

Venira didn't give any comments.

The chairman sighed. "Yes, I too feel that way. You, along with-"

"The others only followed my request and you can confirm they did not shoot any human in the head. Actually, even if we'd hit them on the head, can you argue that we shouldn't have despite our efforts to save someone's lives?"