Truth and humps

The woman- the woman with ruby eyes and that wonderful expression-

She was in front of Theo.

Just standing there. 

Perfectly bare.

A perfect body- too perfect perhaps. 

Theo gulped. 'Where the hell am I even supposed to look?'

"Who are you? What are you? And what did you do to me? And why me?" Theo just kept on asking.

It was odd.

Really odd.

But he didn't stop.

He didn't shake from fear

And he didn't want to just leave without answers. 

"I am the sixth host- the one before you…" The woman smiled, looked slightly downwards, staring at her own reflection. "I chose you- because you seemed to remind me of someone. Or perhaps because there was no one else to choose? Not really sure, myself."

A pretty voice-

A voice that sent shivers down his spine and made him want to scream, 'Divine!'

And awfully calm too. Almost making Theo relax-