Fortitude: an end

The professor chuckled. "How cute. But are you sure there's only one mother? And even without the mother this virus survived for millions of years."

"True, but I'd rather die trying than just give up." He didn't want to die though.

Theo had to see this through, finish the job. After all, he wanted to see his father, he wanted to see Sizzy again.

He definitely didn't want to die. 

"Are you sure though? What if I offered you a quarter of the world? And what if I offered you immortality to go along with that? I've figured out how to stop the mindless rumble of the virus. So as long as you possess a bit of resistance you can be one of us, reign as a lord of the universe and be immortal!" She grinned, and stared straight into Theo's eyes. "What say you Theodore Black, wielder of the Sacred System!? You and- lover?" She stared at the girl next to Theo- Voli and smiled.