Epitome of failure-

Three days went by.

The memories from the party gradually faded from Rin's mind. 

Or more like she purposefully erased those thoughts. 

She wanted to see her mother. 

But- she had to first find a proper cure. 

A cure so that she could finally-


'At this hour?'

  It was striking at exactly 7 in the evening. 

Rin didn't have school this week and nor any classes from the aero academy. Or more like she didn't go to any.

Salvadors was yet to propose a decent enough project and lately, Rin was getting more and more worried about her finances. Despite the fact that the lab wasn't making much progress she still had to invest quite a lot of money on a weekly basis- basically draining her wallet. 

So, with a sigh, she went for the door. 

She didn't know who it was but she hoped it wasn't anyone from the bank.

'The minister!' The man was just behind Rin's door.

'Why him!'