
Later that night, Rin climbed up to the top of the castle and just stared at the stars.

Though the ceiling- this was pretty much just the veranda spreading out a bit from the top floor. There was space for her to stand and plenty of railings so she didn't just fall down from the eighth floor to her death. The rest of the floor wasn't accessible as it had a very steep curve-

This particular planet didn't have a moon, and it was winter season- so the stars were pretty visible. 

She was alone and most of the crew mates were asleep- or so she thought.

Despite being an old castle and abandoned (on paper), this place was well maintained. 

If anything, the place seemed like people actually lived here- or rather, live here. 

But Rin knew- there weren't that many people.

Of course, none of that concerned her. 

The cold wind blew and she just stood there, dazed. Her hair danced with the cold wind, often getting in her way.