Tier four; amazing beauty


A familiar pattern.

Theo- floated, on the water.

Gaze towards the light above the darkness.

It was odd.

The world around him was dark.

And though the water wasn't wet he still floated. Then again, he didn't have a body yet he had a body.

And the ceiling was bright?

It didn't make sense, no.

[Commencing Ascension!]

Mild pain.

Along with mild numbness.

[Sacrificing all exp and unused stat/skill points!]

Definitely nowhere near the pain he'd gone through the first time.

'Should have just used them in that case…' So much for being a hoarder.

A defeated chuckle…


He wasn't alone here.

The unknown self-proclaimed goddess woman was there- just smirking.

"How come that girl died but her body's still out there?"

Water flowed.

"Now, you're asking me questions? What about that attitude you showed last time?" She chuckled, pretending to pout.