To belong

In the far west region of Esque, there was a planet covered in thick fog for over half of the year.

This fog only had one characteristic.

It smelled like farts.

Hot, humid, swampy fart!

But the rest of the year, the fog was gone and it smelled like white roses!

No, not really. It still smelled like farts, just less concentrated.

Still, quite a few people lived in this place.


Different people had different reasons.

Some were here for punishments set by their respective governments.

While others were here to escape the world and just be themselves or be one with the fart?

And then there were those who were just rotting away in a corner of their houses because they had nothing better to do.

Or maybe all of that was just an excuse so the people could get drunk on the Alcan Wine only found on this planet.

Who knows?