Fun! Starting the motion

Something exploded.

Something really large.

But there was no sound.

After all- sound didn't travel through the medium of space.

But the debris did.

Debris traveled far and wide- proving to the world that a planet was no more.


Billions dead.

Gone in an instant.

Through all those debris just one ship emerged.

A ship with just two children.

But they weren't escaping.

They weren't victims either.

They were-


"That was fun!" One of them squirmed.

They spoke in bleeps. For humans- an almost intangible language. 

Yet to them- it was far, far superior than any other spoken language.

"Real fun!"

"Who should we kill next!"


They were having more fun than anything else.

It had been quite some time since they last destroyed a world. 

So- today was really fun.