Goodbye Dale

The next morning Rin and the others packed up everything and had breakfast.

A hearty breakfast.

The smell wasn't as big of a problem as yesterday. 

Somehow as she slept her body had adjusted a fair bit.

And the fruits?

They were even more delicious!

Enough to make her want to melt with the flavor…

But as all good things in the world- the breakfast had come to an end and now they had to leave.

Where would they go- Rin didn't know.

What would they do- Rin didn't know that either.

However- one thing she did know- 'No more games…' 

And also- she stacked on some water from this place- as this water was said to be used as a beauty product and when she just rinsed her face with it- her face almost glowed.

Was it good?


Was it safe?

Probably (not).

"Come back whenever you feel like it," Pops yelled as they left the house. "Though not too often."