
"Ah- aha- ahhh!"


Moans reverberated- as the two moved their hips- with passion.

Touch- kiss- lick- feel- and love.

The unification- of two-

Two who weren't the same.

One wasn't even human.

But perhaps-

"More- more-" the voice of love- 

One of them was definitely enjoying the whole thing more than the other, that was for sure.


"AHHH!" With a bit more quivering and thrusting- it was over.

How many times had they done it?

How many times had they climaxed?

It didn't matter-

"It was great!" Sizzy exclaimed, hugging Theo, with this stuff still in her… leaking.

Huffs and puffs.


Sweaty- wet- fun-

"Yeah," He said-

[Causal limits- removed.]

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[Grinding would gradually further boost exp gain over heavily used methods!]

[Exp gained- 225!]