Go kill them?

Theo woke up.

Fully healed.

Ready to roll.

He was in white clothes and since there wasn't anything else in here- he didn't take those off.

He just left the room.

'Body doesn't hurt.'

There were of course R.I outside and most of them tried to say things to Theo. 

Like it wasn't okay for him to just walk around despite his condition being weak and all that.

Theo of course paid no attention to those-

"How long has it been since I last woke up?"

"Seven hours-"

"Where's Sizzy?"

"Leader's, I mean the captain is her quarters."

Oddly- the R.I were distressed about something.

'Is it possible that Sizzy's the only one-' Even if it was the case, he had to just roll with it for the time being.

He needed those precious exp-

So, he made way for his room and after a knock went in- to find Sizzy on the bed, under the covers- breathing heavily.

"What are you doing?" Theo asked, the door closed.