
A planet.

A blue planet.

Water on almost all sides and four continents. 

One of the four continents was frozen. 

The rest however were green continents full of life-

Fallen life.

"Should we just go ahead and nuke them?" Sizzy asked, smiling.

They were at the bridge.

Theo was there too and Sizzy was asking him. 

The reason for nuking?

Theo needed exp.

And killing Fallen netted him the most exp, meaning as long as it was him who was pushing buttons and he was fairly close, he would also be the one getting the exp-

How did it work- he didn't know.

However- "Tell me Sizzy- what is this planet?" A rhetorical question.

A very important one at that too.

"A residential planet full of Fallen. By your description and my calculations, just destroying this planet alone should raise your levels up 12."

And that was great news.