‘She has to do it’

They shot in the morning, in the afternoon, and sometimes even in the dead of the night in the freezing colds.

But after exactly 16 days, they were done.

Two days behind schedule but so far- satisfactory shots. The shots were definitely not enough however and they needed way, way more. 

But for now- they were done with this planet. 

Everything packed, they started boarding the theater ship.

Rin let out an exaggerated sigh. "Finally moving away from this darn desert-"

Lately, she'd been having trouble sleeping and all this heat wasn't helping. 

  "Any guesses where our next shoot would be?" Antoni trudged behind her. 

"I'm fine with anywhere that's not too cold or too hot."

She was fine with various temperatures but even for her, this whole desert and its extreme fluctuations with temperature were getting on her bad side.