And the decision was made


Burning red.

Sweating- Theo stared around.

Before him- was lava-

Endless pits of lava.

Behind him was wetlands- wet with lava.

The same world.

The same world where he was eaten alive.

The very same world.

Plenty of things were different this time around.

Theo had equipment.

He had new skills-

And he was a god.

Of course, those weren't all.

He had a burning pain on his chest-

He had loads- loads of things he wanted to do- yet couldn't.

And he was definitely more unstable than ever before.


Not running- 

Theo sat down in the burning rocky hill. 'In the end- no progress.'

He got the system. He did his missions.

And he thought that was going to make him feel fulfilled.

It didn't happen.

He got his quests- he got married- he even had proper friends for once- made new ones…