
It was an orange- furry world.

Theo came to meet the fifth failed host.

And so far-

All he got was sneezes and lots of nose juice.

Not a pleasant feeling, no.

Regardless- Theo kept on walking.

And though he was still wearing boots -somehow-  he could still feel the horrible feeling of walking on fur… almost like he was walking over something alive… 

Everything here was furry.

The ground- the grass- the trees- and certainly all animals.

There were catlike snakes and reptiles but with fur…

Everything… even the literal sun- a red dwarf- was a cat! A literal cat saved star with two ears! And it had eyes!


Did it have fur?

Theo didn't know!

But he did bet that the sun did too.

'This is beyond physics…' He already knew that. 'Was this supposed to be an elaborate joke or something?'

If so- it certainly wasn't funny…. Definitely not the nose juice part.