Fucking hell?

Large buildings- tubes in the sky.





Not just any people.


Aliens Theo'd never seen before.

And quite a few races too.

One race, in particular, stood out to Theo.

The race of the girl who gave him the system.

The light pink-skinned ruby-eyed people with those luscious wavy hair.

And not just that race either- all these races were new and just Alien to him. And yet-

Yet- he felt a familiarity, something which he couldn't understand, nor describe-

Theo checked his skills- nothing was locked.

He checked his map- it wasn't marked.

The quest also had no markers nor rewards. It was just there.

'Where the hell am I even supposed to go?'

He didn't know.

And since he couldn't interact with anyone, he couldn't ask around either.

The world- was foreign.

The sky was foreign and everything about this place was-
