Moving on- and a request

It was over.

Theo's head shook.

He cried like he lost everything.

Everything was over.



After all- he remembered how it all started.

A long- long time ago- Theo was a leader of a planet. A backwater Bromitian planet.

He was a count- by interstellar standards and had a family. 

Things were great.

Things were really great.

And he wanted it to go on forever.

But- though living standards were quite high and so was medicine- the prospect of living past 120 was pale…

Which was why-

Why he started developing something.

Something to perhaps make it last.

He studied biochemistry and hired the best scientists on the planet- working together…

But what started out as a simple project to slow aging and increase lifespan… ended up as a relentless search for something impossible…. Immortality. 




It took him eighty years-