What goes around, comes around

An hour passed and Gailardo was almost there.

He looked back and the two following him weren't.

Of course, they weren't.

He just traveled more than 90 kilometers and at top speed- 

Of course, they couldn't keep-

"What the hell!" He yelled.

They weren't behind him- no.

Rather- they were in front?

Both of the two-

The girl and the guy.

The girl was carrying the guy on her back and was waiting for Gailardo. 

"Took you long enough." She waved.

The guy on her back also waved. Very comfortable. 

A bit grumpy. "What do you want?"

Still on the road.

Most vehicles used the space above the roads- hovercrafts.


  The roads themselves still stayed. Even through the ages.

A relic of the past.

"A ticket out of here." She shrugged. 

"And you think I can get you out of here?"