Meaty soup

Just after the war had ended- a craze took place.

The craze to create a vaccine.

Something that would prevent the spread of death.

After all, whenever the virus infected someone- they always ended up as the dead.

Animals- trees-

Even the grass could get infected.

Of course, in most cases these wouldn't spread the infection to people but-

But things were always bad.

And that meant- 

The people had no time for war.

And without war-

They could focus purely on the cure.

But there was just one problem.

They couldn't make one.

One- the virus was new and there were no records of it.

Two- it had insane mutation rates.

And three- contracting it meant certain death.

But death of the kind, the world wasn't familiar with.


They'd become mindless rotting corpses; zombies; undead; ghasts- they were called many names.