Oblivious Misunderstandings

  It was stupid.

Storming out like that.

Alone in his room, Gail's head was buried into the pillow-

More than embarrassed.

This past seven months- he'd worked his ass off just to get to this level, get this role and finally reach this point to want to be her friend.

But when the goal of his life- his literal life goal- just came to suddenly-

Or rather, as he learned Sara already considered him a friend, he kind of… well, felt so torn, he just ran out of there.

And it should have been obvious.

They got along- spoke a lot, spent time together- and often had laughs.

It should have been really obvious that she considered him a friend.

And wasn't that the norm?

But perhaps spending so much time in the virtual world had slightly twisted his views.


"She called me her friend…" Just thinking made him grin-

One, he was extremely happy- and two-

'What the hell!?'