
First year of marriage.

The toughest of times.

The world didn't know.


Even the industries didn't and they kept it that way.

To them, Sara and Gail were just dating and things hadn't moved beyond that.

Of course, Gail and Sara didn't slack on work.

They made movies, commercials, and more often than not, made them together. 

Sara became a regular at Gail's shows and live shows and the same went for Gail.

It was fun-

Hanging out with each other.

Way more fun than they thought.

Not just fun, but also exciting!

And their combined humor- their personas- the audience loved it… though begrudgingly. 

Time passed.

Almost a whole year- yet, they kept it so hidden, no one other than their close friends found out.

And yes-

They did indeed have friends. Numbering less than their fingers-



They made a lot of content- and everything sold.