Mortar & Myrtle

-Your POV-

The next day, Y/N had expected Draco to act like the kiss never happened, just like he had always done. But she was proven wrong.

After breakfast, he picked her up to walk to class together - holding hands.

It was a bit awkward because neither really knew how to act. If Y/N had to explain their relationship status, it would be 'I don't know but I hope he never lets go again'.

During Divination, their ways parted because Helena really, really, REALLY needed to talk to Y/N. (She wanted to cry over Blaise who seemed to have found a new girlfriend.) But after lunch, during Herbology class, he was finally back and stood next to her.

They were still taking care of their Belladonna plants which had grown a lot over the last few weeks.

Draco leaned closer and mumbled into her ear: "We need the berries."


They spent the class secretly picking berries off their plants. Just enough so that nobody would notice. Y/N imagined her consuming them and her stomach started grumbling unhappily.

The rest of the day flew by and before she knew it, Draco was pulling her with him until thy were out of ear-shot.

"You may call me a genius."

"Why? What did you do?"

He was grinning. "Earlier today I went to Snape and told him that I wanted to brew a Memory Potion because I was interested in it. Don't get your hopes up, it doesn't restore memories but it improves mental cognition. And guess what? The ingredients needed for that one are some of the ones you need for your potion. I checked the recipe, you can start with the first few steps."

Her mouth dropped open. "Are you serious?"

Draco nodded with pride. "He gave me what I asked for, I stored it under my bed. Now all we need is a place."

Just as he said that, Y/N's face landed on a familiar face.

"Actually, I might have an idea. Why don't you go get the stuff and meet me in front of the Great Hall?"

"Okay. See you in a bit."

Draco let go of her hand and began walking in the other direction. Once he was out of sight, Y/N rushed over to Harry who was looking out of one of the tall windows.


He jumped at her voice. "Woah! Didn't see you there."

"Sorry. I need to ask you something. Do you know where I can brew a potion without anyone finding out?"

It took him a second before he remembered. "The Restituo potion."


He thought for a bit. "I know that Hermione once used the bathroom with the Moaning Myrtle. Nobody ever goes there because of…well…Myrtle. But if you can deal with her, it should be a safe spot."

"Who is Moaning Myrtle?"

Harry opened his mouth but closed it again. He smiled. "You'll see. Anyway, I have to…uhm…"

"Yeah, yeah, me too. Thanks!"

"Good luck."

Y/N turned around and started walking back to the Great Hall where she waited for Draco. Once he returned with a bag in his hand, they made their way to the girls' bathroom on the second floor. He was also carrying the book. 'Forgottn Potions'.

When they arrived in front of the bathroom, he handed Y/N the things. "Are you ready?"

She bit her lip nervously. "I don't know. I kind of have to be. Will you come with me inside?"

"Of course. I'll help-"


They turned around to Pansy's voice. Her and Blaise were walking towards them.

"Super important meeting, let's go!"

She grabbed his arm but he shook her off. "I can't, I'm busy."

"With what? Studying?" Pansy looked at the book in Y/N's hand. "Come on, we've got no time to waste."

Draco looked at Y/N apologetically. "Will you be okay?"

Y/N nodded despite not feeling confident at all. Draco turned back to Pansy and Blaise. "Alright, I'll be there in a minute."

"What? You want to snog your girlfriend first? Ugh, fine. Hurry up."

The two left but Pansy threw a curious glance over her shoulder.

Draco lowered his voice. "I'm sorry. Next time, okay?"

"Don't apologize," Y/N joked. "How do I make that tea again?"

"Three berries in half a gallon. And add honey. Drink one cup, save the rest. Once the Eye is activated, you've got about an hour."


"But make sure it's enough water. There's a bezoar in the bag in case you accidentally poison yourself."

She smiled at him. "It's cute how much you care. I'll be fine."

Draco rolled his eyes. "I just don't want you to die."

"And I appreciate it. Now go before Pansy scratches your eyes out."

"As if I'd let her do that. Good luck."


They stood there for a second, awkwardly, until Draco decided to kiss her quickly. But he missed her lips, the kiss landed on the corner of her mouth. Yet, it was sweet. Then he hurried away.

Y/N looked around the hallway to make sure no one saw her and then entered the bathroom. With a quick spell she locked the door behind her.

The room was completely quiet. The evening sun fell through the windows, offering enough natural light.

She chose one of the stalls for her project, hoping that even if someone entered the bathroom, they wouldn't find out about it right away.

It took quite a bit of concentration but in the end she managed to materialize a brass cauldron with the help of the Apparo spell. First she had to make the tea so she filled it with water which soon started boiling. Next, Y/N added three Belladonna berries and the honey which she had sneaked out from breakfast.

She watched the liquid cooking and felt her stomach pull together. This couldn't taste good.

Once it was done, she cooled it down with a spell and then used Apparo again to create glasses with lids she could use to fill the tea into. This should be enough for 8 or 9 cups.

She picked up one of the glasses and took a deep breath before she started drinking. Now there was no going back.

As expected, it tasted awful, like sweetened water. But it could have been worse. Once she had downed half the glass, she put it back and closed it.

She leaned against the wall. "Damn."

"That was quite impressive."

Y/N flinched at the voice and turned around. Behind her, a ghost was sitting on the ground with crossed legs. The girl had long, black pigtails and was wearing glasses.

"What are you doing there?"

"Uhm…I'm…making a potion."

"Of course, I can see that," she hissed. "I'm not blind."

She got up and flew closer. "The last time somebody brewed a potion in my bathroom, they turned into a cat." The girl who Y/N assumed to be Myrtle, giggled. "Do you want to become a cat as well?"

She flew into the cauldron.

"Uh…no. I want to restore my memory."

"Oh?" Myrtle tilted her head. "You know, sometimes it's better to not remember. I remember everything. Every single detail." Out of nowhere, she started whining and now Y/N understood what Harry had meant earlier.

"I'm sorry."

The ghost stopped crying. "You don't even know what happened."

"No but you are obviously hurt. And I'm sorry about that." She prayed that this would work.

Myrtle looked at her for a second, then she flew out of the cabin. "I'll let you brew your potion in my bathroom."

"Thank you, that's very kind."

Y/N quickly cleaned the cauldron and then opened the book to page 179.

'Restituo Potion

This potion was invented in the 16th century by an unknown wizard and is said to restore memories that have been deleted by an Obliviate spell. But the complicated nature of the recipe was one of the reasons why it was quickly forgotten.'

The recipe that followed was rather unsatisfactory. The quantities of the different ingredients were only an estimate or missing completely. Some steps were explained very roughly, nowhere was noted how to tell whether the potion was brewed correctly.

Meanwhile, the tea had reached Y/N's stomach. She suddenly felt nauseous.

'Well, it was made with poison. What did I expect?'

She took another deep breath and then pulled out the Eye of Knowledge.

The small pocket watch felt cold in her hands and she looked at the time.

2:41 am.

Suddenly, the watch started heating up. A blue light shot out of the middle and wrapped itself around her hand like rope. Y/N watched in awe. The Eye had just bound itself to her, she now was the only one who could control it. And it was activated.

To her surprise, Y/N didn't feel any different. She put down the pocket watch and turned back to the book.

'Step 1 - Add chopped Mandrake and Sage and stir.'

She looked at the words as her vision became somewhat blurry. Y/N couldn't tell whether this was a side effect of the Belladonna or the Eye of Knowledge.

She closed her eyes, pressing the lids together and then opened it again.

And that was, when something finally changed. The words on the paper were still the same but something started growing inside of Y/N.

It felt like…intuition.

She grabbed the glass of chopped Mandrake and added a quarter of it, making sure it was not a single bit more or less. Of the sage she took two leaves.

Could this be right? Where were these measurements coming from? Could she trust her brain?

But Y/N had nothing else to go off of.

She stirred the potion until it turned yellow. The right shade of yellow. It felt right. Then she went on to the next step.

She proudly looked at the cauldron, knowing that she was doing it right. She just knew!

Suddenly, she heard somebody open the door.

Y/N jumped up and listened for steps.

Somebody slowly came closer.

"Y/N," a voice whispered. She tried to recognize it. Was it Draco? or Harry? Hermione?

"Y/N." No, it was hoarse and hollow. "I know you're in there. Come out."


Y/N grabbed her wand and unlocked the door quietly. Then she pushed it open, her wand raised.

But there was no one there. She stared into nothing.

Y/N started looking into all the stalls. "Come out!"

"Are you talking to me?"

Myrtle had appeared next to her.

Y/N quickly turned to her. "Who just entered the bathroom?"

The ghost made big eyes. "Nobody. It's just you and me."

"But…I heard a voice. Someone said my name. Or was that you? Are you fooling with me?"

Myrtle started grinning. "I did not. You must have breathed in the wrong kind of fumes."

She flew away.

Y/N was left behind, confused.

She heard a voice, she was sure of that.

But what if it had only been in her head?