More Than Friends

-Your POV-

They were sitting on a rock, near the water. She had leaned her head on his shoulder. They weren't talking, just experiencing each other's company.

Y/N had told him about her plan to brew the Restituo Potion with the help of the Eye of Knowledge. His response had surprised her: "Alone? No, I'll help you. We just need to find a place to do it."

The afternoon had slowly begun making way for the evening, a cool wind was rushing over their bodies.

Draco broke the silence. "You know what?"


"You scare me too."

"Me?" Y/N sat up, looking at him surprised. "How?"

"Not knowing much about your life was comfortable because I didn't have to reveal too much of myself either. Now I feel like I owe you information. And the thing is, I probably wouldn't even mind."

He looked at Y/N.

"You see, when I talk to you…it's somewhat easy to be myself and show my feelings. And that scares me."

The honesty left Y/N speechless.

"I'm scared of being…me."

"But only if you're yourself, people can fall in love with you."

He huffed and looked back at the lake. "Or they use my vulnerability to hurt me." Draco threw another stone into the water.

Y/N bit her lip but then she said it anyway. "I think people are already hurting you. I think you already know pain. But once you let your mask down, you can experience other things as well. Deep, meaningful connections."

He didn't say anything but his face couldn't lie. She hit a sore spot.

Y/N carefully took his hand in hers.

"I'm sorry if this is too intimate or exposing but…you deserve to be loved. The way you are. You don't need to put on a persona to gain affection and admiration. If you were yourself, maybe you'd lose friends but you'd find new ones. Real ones that love you for who you are."

His face was stonern and it took a while before he said something.

"You're terrifying."

"I'm sorry."

"Please. Stop apologizing."


They were watching the lake. In the distance, students were walking around.

"But what do you think about it? Do you agree?"

Draco sighed. "I don't know. It's not that easy."

She tightened her grip around his hand. "Look at me."

He did.

"Do you trust me?"

Draco thought for a second and then nodded. "I do."

"You know that I'd never try to hurt you, right?"

"I suppose so."

"Then why don't you start with me? Be as honest and real as you can. See what it's like. Maybe that will make it easier for you."

Draco was staring into her eyes. She stared back.

Y/N whispered. "You're safe."

A small smile sneaked onto his lips. It was so faint, she would have almost missed it.

"I think that's a good idea. I think there's a lot I've held back because I didn't want you to…"

"Judge you?"

"Yes. For example..."

He pulled his hand out of Y/N's but only to lay it against her cheek. Then Draco leaned forward and started kissing her.

Her heart started beating faster but before he could change his mind, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

Goosebumps started covering her skin when he grabbed her waist tightly. The butterfly inside Y/N awok and flew around excitedly.

His lips moved on to her neck and heat rushed through every cell of her body.

This was exactly what she wanted. Y/N hoped for this moment to never end, it felt amazing.

Just her and Draco and the setting sun.

Just the two of them and-

Suddenly, she heard wings flapping above them and a letter fell in front of Draco's feet. Felis, his eagle owl landed next to his owner.

Draco groaned. "Now? Seriously?"

Y/N was disappointed when he let go of her to pick up the letter and open it. "What's so urgent now?"

He pulled a black card out of the white envelope. As he read, his expression changed from confusion to annoyance. "Thanks mother," he mumbled, "for interrupting this moment."

"Your mom wrote you?"

"She invited me to her Halloween party."

He showed Y/N the card. The words were silver and didn't seem written by hand.

"But Halloween is only in three weeks. Also, do you have permission to leave the school?"

"I'm sure they'll handle that somehow, it's on a Saturday anyway."

He put the card back into the envelope and let it disappear inside his coat.

"And? Are you looking forward to it?"

"Please. I'm going to be stuck at a boring party with boring people who I don't know. Maybe I can at least get drunk."

Suddenly, his eyes lit up. "Why don't you come with me?"

Y/N wasn't sure if she heard him right. "Did you forget what I told you earlier? I'm supposed to stay on the low. What if your parents or someone else recognizes me? What if the person who…"

She didn't finish the sentence but Draco seemed to understand anyway.

"It's a costume party. You could wear a mask, nobody would recognize you. We could use the party as an excuse to interrogate some people."

"Draco, I don't think it's that easy. It actually sounds dangerous. I don't know who I'm up against but do you remember what Trelawney said? Somebody wants to hurt me."

"You don't actually believe that stuff, do you?"

She shrugged. "Not really but what if she is right? I don't want to take a risk."

"I'll protect you."

Y/N looked at him for a while. He seemed sincere but even if he tried, could he really protect her? What if he had to face someone he knows?

But then again, imagining how she'd be his date and how they could dance at the party… Maybe Draco was right. Maybe Y/N really was a wuss.

"I'll think about it."