The slip of paper Ransackiel had left them simply said, "The Ruins of Bullywog Keep."
None of the three had any idea where that was, but Shudon claimed there was a bar in town where all the most grizzled adventurers hung out between missions.
"Why were we at the Flagrant Boar instead of there?" asked Durri, annoyed. "I bet if Maladia had attacked there, she wouldn't have gotten away with it!"
The siblings looked at each other.
"They don't appreciate us very much," said Hudson. "Not because they're bad people, mind you. They just cannot see our staggering potential in the same way you do, my dear friend."
Shudon frowned. "We have a reputation for... not completing missions efficiently. Or, sometimes, at all. You saw the state we were in when we met. Hudson had lost almost all his blood, and I was half-dead just dragging him back here. To be honest, I was ready to call our whole experiment of being adventurers a waste of time."