The tooth worm steaks were inedible to Durri, but everyone else seemed to find their earthy, sour flavor delicious. Hudson ate what Durri estimated to be ten pounds of meat, while Gus, Shudon, and Migus ate portions which seemed far more suitable to the amount of mass comprising their bodies.
Durri refilled his water from their barrel while they ate, watching in fascination as one of Shudon's spells curled the cooking fire's smoke into a concentrated ball of soot so they would not suffocate.
"Mind if I take that?" he asked.
"'I' certainly don't need it," she said.
So Durri absorbed the lump of soot into his body. According to the Codex, he could turn it into a smoke bomb later.
As Migus had predicted, they came to a heavy metal door after about forty-five minutes of further travel. It stretched across the entire passage, carved with intricate patterns and inscribed with arcane runes.