Chapter 47: Of Council and Cats

“You want to take the pet?” Rolet asked.

“I’m not leaving him,” Vesta insisted. “He’s my ambassador companion.”

Among the laughter of the crew, Merlot was discover chasing bugs in a nearby yard and brought to the spacejet.

“Do you think they will listen to us?” Vesta asked Rycer quietly as they climbed into the jet.

“They will have no choice,” Rycer said matter-of-factly. “I will testify as well. I was part of the Eternal Conclave. I have seen the settlements with my own eyes. Where are you going?”

Vesta had turned to go strap herself in, but Rycer took her hand and pulled her towards the cockpit.

“I think you have earned the right to sit here,” he smiled.

Vesta felt her heart warm and she smiled back. Merlot however, had to be content with traveling in his special new crate (his growling informed the crew, Merlot was not content.)