Chapter 11

It was the weekend already, so I didn't have work. I'd totally forgotten, and with the mess I was in, I wasn't even surprised. I only realized after a while of crying, and all I could think was how good it was that I wouldn't be late for work; that I wouldn't be going to work at all and wouldn't get to meet Stephen. That last thought, though, could be either good or bad, and my mood couldn't seem to decide which.

Wiping my face, I got out of bed to go to the bathroom and have a shower. I didn't have my usual video chat with Mom for my birthday. She might have tried, and I was... busy with other things. When I checked my phone, I saw that she had left messages. I sent her one back to call in an hour. I was a total, leaky mess but it would be enough time to clean myself up.

In an hour, I was sitting in my kitchen with a quick breakfast, practicing making a normal face for Mom so she wouldn't think there was anything wrong.