Chapter 13

Two years had passed since then. I stood staring down into a crib.

We've come so far since back then...

Looking at the new life, we'd made together; I couldn't help feeling a little nostalgic and thinking back. I remembered what I used to be like, and I felt sorry for my past self, realizing all the things I'd missed out on by closing myself off.

In that time since we made up, we got married, and we created life. I smiled to myself, watching the baby in the crib make little movements. Eyes closed, breathing fast.

Being a mom wasn't easy, that was the first thing I realized. Especially to a newborn. They weren't known to be quiet; they needed a lot of looking after and supervision. Of course, I was taking some time off work, since it wouldn't be very possible to work as a full-time nurse and full-time mom at the same time.

The door to the nursery opened behind me, but I didn't turn around.

"Hey, there, beautiful."