Chapter 15

Citizen Hill

Citizen stood on a boulder, looking eastward toward the city. She could just barely see the mile-high dome that covered the capital.

Sid ran up to her, and his gears and joints buzzed. He pointed his muzzle back to camp.

"Are they ready to meet now?" Citizen asked the canine bot.

A robot bark in the affirmative came out of his speaker.

Citizen headed back to Bless' camp.

Over the last few days of traveling and the previous night's restless period of rest, Citizen had read through all the files of Project Goldfish and four of the eighteen files on Operation Blue Thunder.

Project Goldfish was a full-on genetic research experiment on the Gollums, trying to enhance their cortex to enable complete control over them. But it failed and created the Gollum 2.0s, what Elysium now called the Trolls. Some of the documents offered a full backtrack on the Feds and their attempt to cover up their virus blunder in the first place. But what did the redacted information contain?