Chapter 14

Octavian Karr

"She's ready, Commander," said Handler Meechum from her console.

"Where is she?" Commander Karr walked up.

"Sector 17. She's just reached the drone rendezvous point."

"Is she online?"

"Comms just went up," said Meechum. "I'm pulling her channel up now, just one second, and here she is."

The video of a short-haired Syth-L came on the screen. She was obviously recording from her helmet cam that she was holding in front of her.

"DC049SYTH-L, do you copy?" Commander Karr asked.

"Loud and clear, Sir," replied DC.

"How long have you been outside, DC?"

"I've been stationed in Sector 3 for over a year now, Sir. I came to my new coordinates as soon as I received them. I am ready and at your disposal."

"You know this is a Tier One op, don't you?"

"Yes, Sir."

"So, we don't have to remind you of the consequences of failure?"

"No, Sir."